using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using AquaMai.Core; using AquaMai.Core.Attributes; using AquaMai.Config.Attributes; using AquaMai.Mods.Fancy.GamePlay; using HarmonyLib; using MAI2.Util; using Manager; using MelonLoader; using Monitor; using Monitor.Common; using Monitor.Entry; using Monitor.Entry.Parts.Screens; using UnityEngine; using Fx; using Type = System.Type; namespace AquaMai.Mods.GameSystem; // Hides the 2p (right hand side) UI. // Note: this is not my original work. I simply interpreted the code and rewrote it as a mod. [ConfigSection( en: "Single player: Show 1P only, at the center of the screen.", zh: "单人模式,不显示 2P")] public class SinglePlayer { [HarmonyPatch] public class WhateverInitialize { public static IEnumerable TargetMethods() { var lateInitialize = AccessTools.Method(typeof(Main.GameMain), "LateInitialize", [typeof(MonoBehaviour), typeof(Transform), typeof(Transform)]); if (lateInitialize is not null) return [lateInitialize]; return [AccessTools.Method(typeof(Main.GameMain), "Initialize", [typeof(MonoBehaviour), typeof(Transform), typeof(Transform)])]; } public static void Prefix(MonoBehaviour gameMainObject, ref Transform left, ref Transform right) { left.transform.position =; right.localScale =; GameObject.Find("Mask").transform.position = new Vector3(540f, 0f, 0f); } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MeshButton), "IsPointInPolygon", new Type[] { typeof(Vector2[]), typeof(Vector2) })] public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector2[] polygon, ref Vector2 point, MeshButton __instance, ref bool __result) { __result = RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(__instance.GetComponent(), point, Camera.main); return false; } [EnableGameVersion(21500, noWarn: true)] public class SkipTimer { [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(EntryMonitor), "DecideEntry")] public static void PostDecideEntry(EntryMonitor __instance) { # if DEBUG MelonLogger.Msg("Confirm Entry"); # endif TimeManager.MarkGameStartTime(); Singleton.Instance.UpdateEvent(); Singleton.Instance.UpdateData(); __instance.Process.CreateDownloadProcess(); __instance.ProcessManager.SendMessage(new Message(ProcessType.CommonProcess, 30001)); __instance.ProcessManager.SendMessage(new Message(ProcessType.CommonProcess, 40000, 0, OperationInformationController.InformationType.Hide)); __instance.Process.SetNextProcess(); } // To prevent the "長押受付終了" overlay from appearing [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(WaitPartner), "Open")] public static bool WaitPartnerPreOpen() { return false; } } [ConfigEntry( en: "Fix hanabi effect under single-player mode (disabled automatically if HideHanabi is enabled).", zh: "修复单人模式下的烟花效果(如果启用了 HideHanabi,则会自动禁用)")] public static bool fixHanabi = true; private static bool fixHanabiDisableImplied = false; private static bool FixHanabiEnabled => fixHanabi && !fixHanabiDisableImplied; [EnableIf(nameof(FixHanabiEnabled))] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(TapCEffect), "SetUpParticle")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void PostSetUpParticle(TapCEffect __instance, FX_Mai2_Note_Color ____particleControler) { var entities = ____particleControler.GetComponentsInChildren(true); foreach (var entity in entities) { entity.maxParticleSize = 1f; } } public static void OnBeforePatch() { if (ConfigLoader.Config.GetSectionState(typeof(HideHanabi)).Enabled) { fixHanabiDisableImplied = true; } } public static void OnAfterPatch() { Core.Helpers.GuiSizes.SinglePlayer = true; } }