using AquaMai.Config.Attributes; using HarmonyLib; using IO; namespace AquaMai.Mods.GameSystem; [ConfigSection( en: """ Adjust the baud rate of the touch screen serial port, default value is 9600. Requires hardware support. If you are unsure, don't use it. """, zh: """ 调整触摸屏串口波特率,默认值 9600 需要硬件配合,如果你不清楚你是否可以使用,请不要使用 """)] public class TouchPanelBaudRate { [ConfigEntry( en: "Baud rate.", zh: "波特率")] private static readonly int baudRate = 9600; [HarmonyPatch(typeof(NewTouchPanel), "Open")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static void OpenPrefix(ref int ___BaudRate) { if (baudRate <= 0) return; ___BaudRate = baudRate; } }