using System.Linq; using HarmonyLib; using MAI2.Util; using Manager; using MelonLoader; using Monitor.Game; using UnityEngine; namespace AquaMai.UX; public class LoadLocalBga { [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameCtrl), "IsReady")] public static void LoadLocalBgaAwake(GameObject ____movieMaskObj) { var music = Singleton.Instance.GetMusic(GameManager.SelectMusicID[0]); if (music is null) return; var moviePath = string.Format(Singleton.Instance.GetMovieDataPath($"{}") + ".dat"); if (!moviePath.Contains("dummy")) return; var jacket = LoadAssetsPng.GetJacketTexture2D(; if (jacket is null) { MelonLogger.Msg("No jacket found for music " + music); return; } var components = ____movieMaskObj.GetComponentsInChildren(false); var movies = components.Where(it => == "Movie"); foreach (var movie in movies) { // If I create a new RawImage component, the jacket will be not be displayed // I think it will be difficult to make it work with RawImage // So I change the material that plays video to default sprite material // The original player is actually a sprite renderer and plays video with a custom material var sprite = movie.GetComponent(); sprite.sprite = Sprite.Create(jacket, new Rect(0, 0, jacket.width, jacket.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); sprite.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Sprites/Default")); } } }