
143 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using HarmonyLib;
using Manager;
using MelonLoader;
using UnityEngine;
using AquaMai.Config.Attributes;
namespace AquaMai.Mods.GameSystem;
en: """
Use custom CameraId rather than the default ones.
If enabled, you can customize the game to use the specified camera.
zh: """
使用自定义的摄像头 ID 而不是默认的
public class CustomCameraId
en: "Print the camera list to the log when starting, can be used as a basis for modification.",
zh: "启动时打印摄像头列表到日志中,可以作为修改的依据")]
public static bool printCameraList;
en: "DX Pass 1P.",
zh: "DX Pass 1P")]
public static int leftQrCamera;
en: "DX Pass 2P.",
zh: "DX Pass 2P")]
public static int rightQrCamera;
en: "Player Camera.",
zh: "玩家摄像头")]
public static int photoCamera;
en: "WeChat QRCode Camera.",
zh: "二维码扫描摄像头")]
public static int chimeCamera;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> cameraTypeMap = new()
["LeftQrCamera"] = "QRLeft",
["RightQrCamera"] = "QRRight",
["PhotoCamera"] = "Photo",
["ChimeCamera"] = "Chime",
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(CameraManager), "CameraInitialize")]
public static bool CameraInitialize(CameraManager __instance, ref IEnumerator __result)
__result = CameraInitialize(__instance);
return false;
private static IEnumerator CameraInitialize(CameraManager __instance)
var textureCache = new WebCamTexture[WebCamTexture.devices.Length];
SortedDictionary<CameraManager.CameraTypeEnum, WebCamTexture> webCamTextures = [];
foreach (var (configEntry, cameraTypeName) in cameraTypeMap)
int deviceId = Traverse.Create(typeof(CustomCameraId)).Field(configEntry).GetValue<int>();
if (deviceId < 0 || deviceId >= WebCamTexture.devices.Length)
MelonLogger.Warning($"[CustomCameraId] Ignoring custom camera {configEntry}: camera ID {deviceId} out of range");
if (!Enum.TryParse<CameraManager.CameraTypeEnum>(cameraTypeName, out var cameraType))
MelonLogger.Warning($"[CustomCameraId] Ignoring custom camera {configEntry}: camera type {cameraTypeName} not present");
if (textureCache[deviceId] != null)
webCamTextures[cameraType] = textureCache[deviceId];
var webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(WebCamTexture.devices[deviceId].name);
webCamTextures[cameraType] = webCamTexture;
textureCache[deviceId] = webCamTexture;
int textureCount = webCamTextures.Count;
__instance.isAvailableCamera = new bool[textureCount];
__instance.cameraProcMode = new CameraManager.CameraProcEnum[textureCount];
int textureIndex = 0;
foreach (var (cameraType, webCamTexture) in webCamTextures)
__instance.isAvailableCamera[textureIndex] = true;
__instance.cameraProcMode[textureIndex] = CameraManager.CameraProcEnum.Good;
CameraManager.DeviceId[(int)cameraType] = textureIndex;
CameraManager.IsReady = true;
yield break;
public static void OnBeforePatch()
if (!printCameraList)
WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
string cameraList = "Connected Web Cameras:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
WebCamDevice webCamDevice = devices[i];
WebCamTexture webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(;
cameraList += "==================================================\n";
cameraList += "Name: " + + "\n";
cameraList += $"ID: {i}\n";
cameraList += $"Resolution: {webCamTexture.width} * {webCamTexture.height}\n";
cameraList += $"FPS: {webCamTexture.requestedFPS}\n";
cameraList += "==================================================";
foreach (var line in cameraList.Split('\n'))
MelonLogger.Msg($"[CustomCameraId] {line}");