mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
163 lines
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163 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using AquaMai.Fix;
using AquaMai.Helpers;
using HarmonyLib;
using Manager;
using Monitor;
using Process;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AquaMai.Utils;
public class PractiseMode
public static double repeatStart = -1;
public static double repeatEnd = -1;
public static float speed = 1;
private static CriAtomExPlayer player;
private static MovieMaterialMai2 movie;
public static void SetRepeatEnd(double time)
if (repeatStart == -1)
MessageHelper.ShowMessage("Please set repeat start time first");
if (time < repeatStart)
MessageHelper.ShowMessage("Repeat end time cannot be less than repeat start time");
repeatEnd = time;
public static void ClearRepeat()
repeatStart = -1;
repeatEnd = -1;
public static void SetSpeed()
player.SetPitch((float)(1200 * Math.Log(speed, 2)));
// player.SetDspTimeStretchRatio(1 / speed);
public static void SpeedUp()
speed += .05f;
if (speed > 2)
speed = 2;
public static void SpeedDown()
speed -= .05f;
if (speed < 0.5)
speed = 0.5f;
public static void SpeedReset()
speed = 1;
public static PractiseModeUI ui;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameProcess), "OnStart")]
public static void GameProcessPostStart()
repeatStart = -1;
repeatEnd = -1;
speed = 1;
ui = null;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GenericProcess), "OnUpdate")]
public static void OnGenericProcessUpdate(GenericMonitor[] ____monitors)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameProcess), "OnUpdate")]
public static void GameProcessPostUpdate(GameProcess __instance, GameMonitor[] ____monitors)
if (InputManager.GetSystemInputPush(InputManager.SystemButtonSetting.ButtonTest) && ui is null)
ui = ____monitors[0].gameObject.AddComponent<PractiseModeUI>();
if (repeatStart >= 0 && repeatEnd >= 0)
if (DebugFeature.CurrentPlayMsec >= repeatEnd)
DebugFeature.CurrentPlayMsec = repeatStart;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(NotesManager), "UpdateTimer")]
public static void NotesManagerPostUpdateTimer(bool ____isPlaying, Stopwatch ____stopwatch, ref float ____curMSec, ref float ____curMSecPre, float ____msecStartGap)
var num = 0d;
if (____isPlaying && ____stopwatch != null)
num = (double)____stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency * 1000.0 * speed;
____curMSecPre = ____curMSec;
____curMSec = (float)num + ____msecStartGap;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SoundCtrl), "Initialize")]
public static void SoundCtrlPostInitialize(SoundCtrl.InitParam param, Dictionary<int, object> ____players)
var wrapper = ____players[2];
player = (CriAtomExPlayer)wrapper.GetType().GetField("Player").GetValue(wrapper);
// var pool = new CriAtomExStandardVoicePool(1, 8, 96000, true, 2);
// pool.AttachDspTimeStretch();
// player.SetVoicePoolIdentifier(pool.identifier);
// debug
// var wrapper1 = ____players[7];
// var player1 = (CriAtomExPlayer)wrapper1.GetType().GetField("Player").GetValue(wrapper1);
// var pool = new CriAtomExStandardVoicePool(1, 8, 96000, true, 2);
// pool.AttachDspTimeStretch();
// player1.SetVoicePoolIdentifier(pool.identifier);
// player1.SetDspTimeStretchRatio(2);
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MovieController), "Awake")]
public static void MovieControllerPostAwake(MovieMaterialMai2 ____moviePlayers)
movie = ____moviePlayers;