go.toolchain.rev: use new statically built toolchain

Also removes the toolchain builds from flake.nix. For now the flake
build uses upstream Go 1.20, a followup change will switch it back to
our custom toolchain.

Updates tailscale/corp#9005

Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
David Anderson 2023-02-02 19:37:32 -08:00 committed by Dave Anderson
parent 2dc3dc21a8
commit 02a2dcfc86
10 changed files with 12 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import (
var (
goToolchain = flag.Bool("go", false, "print the supported Go toolchain git hash (a github.com/tailscale/go commit)")
goToolchainURL = flag.Bool("go-url", false, "print the URL to the tarball of the Tailscale Go toolchain")
goToolchainSRI = flag.Bool("go-sri", false, "print the SRI hash of the Tailscale Go toolchain")
alpine = flag.Bool("alpine", false, "print the tag of alpine docker image")
@ -48,7 +47,4 @@ func main() {
fmt.Printf("https://github.com/tailscale/go/releases/download/build-%s/%s%s.tar.gz\n", strings.TrimSpace(ts.GoToolchainRev), runtime.GOOS, suffix)
if *goToolchainSRI {

View File

@ -49,44 +49,6 @@
# doesn't build any software.
fileContents = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.lib.fileContents;
tailscale-go-rev = fileContents ./go.toolchain.rev;
tailscale-go-sri = fileContents ./go.toolchain.sri;
# pkgsWithTailscaleGo takes a nixpkgs package set, and replaces
# its Go 1.19 compiler with tailscale's fork.
# We need to do this because the buildGoModule helper function is
# constructed with legacy nix imports, so we cannot construct a
# buildGoModule variant that uses tailscale's toolchain. Instead,
# we have to replace the toolchain in nixpkgs, and let lazy
# evaluation propagate it into the nixpkgs instance of
# buildGoModule.
# This is a bit roundabout, but there doesn't seem to be a more
# elegant way of resolving the impedance mismatch between legacy
# nixpkgs style imports and flake semantics, unless upstream
# nixpkgs exposes the buildGoModule constructor func explicitly.
pkgsWithTailscaleGo = pkgs: pkgs.extend (final: prev: rec {
tailscale_go = prev.lib.overrideDerivation prev.go_1_20 (attrs: rec {
name = "tailscale-go-${version}";
version = tailscale-go-rev;
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tailscale";
repo = "go";
rev = tailscale-go-rev;
sha256 = tailscale-go-sri;
nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.git ];
# Remove dependency on xcbuild as that causes iOS/macOS builds to fail.
propagatedBuildInputs = [];
checkPhase = "";
TAILSCALE_TOOLCHAIN_REV = tailscale-go-rev;
# Override go_1_20 so that buildGo120Module below uses
# tailscale's toolchain as well.
go_1_20 = tailscale_go;
# tailscaleRev is the git commit at which this flake was imported,
# or the empty string when building from a local checkout of the
# tailscale repo.
@ -100,7 +62,7 @@
# specify vendorSha256, and that sha changes any time we alter
# go.mod. We don't want to force a nix dependency on everyone
# hacking on Tailscale, so this flake is likely to have broken
# builds periodically until somoene comes through and manually
# builds periodically until someone comes through and manually
# fixes them up. I sure wish there was a way to express "please
# just trust the local go.mod, vendorSha256 has no benefit here",
# but alas.
@ -131,27 +93,25 @@
# OS/CPU combos that nix supports, as well as a dev shell so that
# "nix develop" and "nix-shell" give you a dev env.
flakeForSystem = nixpkgs: system: let
upstreamPkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
pkgs = pkgsWithTailscaleGo upstreamPkgs;
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
ts = tailscale pkgs;
in {
packages = {
tailscale-go = pkgs.tailscale-go;
tailscale = ts;
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = with upstreamPkgs; [
packages = with pkgs; [
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: flakeForSystem nixpkgs system);
# nix-direnv cache busting line: sha256-afcuo/pcLnfFHYTViYi8rPM0ovnUuawuZ26cYhZ1hss= sha256-dhoXBuYV9lE+ssIK4i/TG4cFbzUKSOKnQP47qEEcvsQ=
# nix-direnv cache busting line: sha256-Y4HgqikudINw28LcX4EVONxmtR0CEGKM3M76ahzfuFY=

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ if [ "$upstream" != "$current" ]; then
if [ -n "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- go.toolchain.rev go.toolchain.sri go.mod.sri)" ]; then
if [ -n "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- go.toolchain.rev go.mod.sri)" ]; then
echo "pull-toolchain.sh: changes imported. Use git commit to make them permanent." >&2

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@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
) {
src = ./.;
# nix-direnv cache busting line: sha256-afcuo/pcLnfFHYTViYi8rPM0ovnUuawuZ26cYhZ1hss= sha256-dhoXBuYV9lE+ssIK4i/TG4cFbzUKSOKnQP47qEEcvsQ=
# nix-direnv cache busting line: sha256-Y4HgqikudINw28LcX4EVONxmtR0CEGKM3M76ahzfuFY=

View File

@ -58,14 +58,7 @@ get_cached() {
rm -f "$archive.new" "$TOOLCHAIN.extracted"
if [ ! -e "$archive" ]; then
log "Need to download go '$REV'."
if [ "$ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then
# For historic reasons, the tailscale/go amd64 release artifacts don't
# have the arch in their name.
curl -f -L -o "$archive.new" "https://github.com/tailscale/go/releases/download/build-${REV}/${BUILD}.tar.gz"
curl -f -L -o "$archive.new" "https://github.com/tailscale/go/releases/download/build-${REV}/${GOOS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz"
rm -f "$archive"
mv "$archive.new" "$archive"

View File

@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ REV=$(cat go.toolchain.rev)
OUT=$(mktemp -d -t nar-hash-XXXXXX)
rm -rf $OUT
mkdir $OUT
curl --silent -L https://github.com/tailscale/go/archive/refs/tags/build-$REV.tar.gz | tar -zx -C $OUT --strip-components 1
go run tailscale.com/cmd/nardump --sri $OUT >go.toolchain.sri
rm -rf $OUT
go mod vendor -o $OUT
go run tailscale.com/cmd/nardump --sri $OUT >go.mod.sri
rm -rf $OUT
@ -21,5 +16,5 @@ rm -rf $OUT
# result, when we change a referenced SRI file, we have to cause some
# change to shell.nix and flake.nix as well, so that nix-direnv
# notices and reevaluates everything. Sigh.
perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.toolchain.sri) $(cat go.mod.sri)," shell.nix
perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.toolchain.sri) $(cat go.mod.sri)," flake.nix
perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.mod.sri)," shell.nix
perl -pi -e "s,# nix-direnv cache busting line:.*,# nix-direnv cache busting line: $(cat go.mod.sri)," flake.nix

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@ -17,9 +17,3 @@ var AlpineDockerTag string
//go:embed go.toolchain.rev
var GoToolchainRev string
// GoToolchainSRI is the Nix SRI hash of the Go toolchain identified
// by GoToolchainRev. It may end in a newline.
//go:embed go.toolchain.sri
var GoToolchainSRI string