@ -152,3 +152,17 @@ func parsePong(ver uint8, p []byte) (m *Pong, err error) {
m.Src.Port = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(p)
return m, nil
// MessageSummary returns a short summary of m for logging purposes.
func MessageSummary(m Message) string {
switch m := m.(type) {
case *Ping:
return fmt.Sprintf("ping tx=%x", m.TxID)
case *Pong:
return fmt.Sprintf("pong tx=%x", m.TxID)
case CallMeMaybe:
return fmt.Sprintf("call-me-maybe")
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", m)
@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ func (k NodeKey) IsZero() bool { return k == NodeKey{} }
func (k DiscoKey) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("discokey:%x", k[:]) }
func (k DiscoKey) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return keyMarshalText("discokey:", k), nil }
func (k *DiscoKey) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error { return keyUnmarshalText(k[:], "discokey:", text) }
func (k DiscoKey) ShortString() string { return fmt.Sprintf("d:%x", k[:8]) }
// IsZero reports whether k is the zero value.
func (k DiscoKey) IsZero() bool { return k == DiscoKey{} }
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ type Conn struct {
discoPrivate key.Private
discoPublic tailcfg.DiscoKey // public of discoPrivate
discoShort string // ShortString of discoPublic (to save logging work later)
nodeOfDisco map[tailcfg.DiscoKey]*tailcfg.Node
discoOfNode map[tailcfg.NodeKey]tailcfg.DiscoKey
discoOfAddr map[netaddr.IPPort]tailcfg.DiscoKey // validated non-DERP paths only
@ -513,7 +514,8 @@ func (c *Conn) SetDiscoPrivateKey(k key.Private) {
c.discoPrivate = k
c.discoPublic = tailcfg.DiscoKey(k.Public())
c.logf("magicsock: disco key set; public: %x", c.discoPublic)
c.discoShort = c.discoPublic.ShortString()
c.logf("magicsock: set disco key = %v", c.discoShort)
// must NOT be held.
@ -1409,9 +1411,9 @@ func (c *Conn) sendDiscoMessage(dst netaddr.IPPort, dstKey key.Public, dstDisco
pkt = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(pkt, m.AppendMarshal(nil), &nonce, sharedKey)
sent, err = c.sendAddr(dst, dstKey, pkt)
if sent {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: sent %T to %v", m, dst)
c.logf("magicsock: disco: %v->%v (%v, %v): %v", c.discoShort, dstDisco.ShortString(), dstKey.ShortString(), derpStr(dst.String()), disco.MessageSummary(m))
} else if err == nil {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: can't send %T to %v", m, dst)
// Can't send. (e.g. no IPv6 locally)
} else {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: failed to send %T to %v: %v", m, dst, err)
@ -1442,7 +1444,7 @@ func (c *Conn) handleDiscoMessage(msg []byte, src netaddr.IPPort) bool {
if logDisco {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: got disco-looking frame %v", sender)
c.logf("magicsock: disco: got disco-looking frame from %v", sender.ShortString())
if c.discoPrivate.IsZero() {
if logDisco {
@ -1454,7 +1456,7 @@ func (c *Conn) handleDiscoMessage(msg []byte, src netaddr.IPPort) bool {
de, ok := c.endpointOfDisco[sender]
if !ok {
if logDisco {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: ignoring disco-looking frame, don't know about %v", sender)
c.logf("magicsock: disco: ignoring disco-looking frame, don't know about %v", sender.ShortString())
// Returning false keeps passing it down, to WireGuard.
// WireGuard will almost surely reject it, but give it a chance.
@ -1516,7 +1518,7 @@ func (c *Conn) handleDiscoMessage(msg []byte, src netaddr.IPPort) bool {
func (c *Conn) handlePingLocked(dm *disco.Ping, de *discoEndpoint, src netaddr.IPPort) {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: got ping tx %x from %s/%x via %v", dm.TxID, de.publicKey.ShortString(), de.discoKey[:8], src)
c.logf("magicsock: disco: %v<-%v (%v, %v) ping tx=%x", c.discoShort, de.discoKey.ShortString(), de.publicKey.ShortString(), src, dm.TxID)
// Remember this this route if not present.
c.setAddrToDiscoLocked(src, de.discoKey, nil)
@ -1540,9 +1542,9 @@ func (c *Conn) setAddrToDiscoLocked(src netaddr.IPPort, newk tailcfg.DiscoKey, a
if ok {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: changing mapping of %v from disco %x=>%x", src, oldk[:8], newk[:8])
c.logf("magicsock: disco: changing mapping of %v from %x=>%x", src, oldk.ShortString(), newk.ShortString())
} else {
c.logf("magicsock: disco: adding mapping of %v to disco %x", src, newk[:8])
c.logf("magicsock: disco: adding mapping of %v to %v", src, newk.ShortString())
c.discoOfAddr[src] = newk
if !ok {
@ -2340,7 +2342,7 @@ func (c *Conn) CreateBind(uint16) (conn.Bind, uint16, error) {
func (c *Conn) CreateEndpoint(pubKey [32]byte, addrs string) (conn.Endpoint, error) {
pk := key.Public(pubKey)
c.logf("magicsock: CreateEndpoint: key=%s: %s", pk.ShortString(), strings.ReplaceAll(addrs, "", "derp-"))
c.logf("magicsock: CreateEndpoint: key=%s: %s", pk.ShortString(), derpStr(addrs))
if strings.HasSuffix(addrs, controlclient.EndpointDiscoSuffix) {
discoHex := strings.TrimSuffix(addrs, controlclient.EndpointDiscoSuffix)
@ -2764,7 +2766,7 @@ func (de *discoEndpoint) sendPingsLocked(now time.Time, sendCallMeMaybe bool) {
txid := stun.NewTxID()
t := de.newTimerLocked(5*time.Second, func() {
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: timeout waiting for ping %x from %v", txid, ep)
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: timeout waiting for pong %x from %v (%v, %v)", txid, ep, de.publicKey.ShortString(), de.discoKey.ShortString())
de.sentPing[txid] = sentPing{
@ -2867,7 +2869,7 @@ func (de *discoEndpoint) handlePongConnLocked(m *disco.Pong, src netaddr.IPPort)
now := time.Now()
delay := now.Sub(
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: got pong reply from %v after %v", de.discoKey, delay)
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: %v<-%v (%v, %v) pong tx=%x latency=%v", de.c.discoShort, de.discoKey.ShortString(), de.publicKey.ShortString(), src, m.TxID, delay.Round(time.Millisecond))
// Expire our best address if we haven't heard from it in awhile.
tooOld := now.Add(-15 * time.Second)
@ -2882,7 +2884,7 @@ func (de *discoEndpoint) handlePongConnLocked(m *disco.Pong, src netaddr.IPPort)
de.bestAddrLatency = delay
de.bestAddrAt = now
de.trustBestAddrUntil = now.Add(5 * time.Second)
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: promoted %v to best address for %v/%v",, de.publicKey.ShortString(), de.discoKey)
de.c.logf("magicsock: disco: node %v %v now using %v", de.publicKey.ShortString(), de.discoKey.ShortString(),
@ -2956,3 +2958,6 @@ type ippCacheKey struct {
ipLen uint8 // bytes in ip that are valid; rest are zero
zone string
// derpStr replaces DERP IPs in s with "derp-".
func derpStr(s string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "", "derp-") }
Reference in New Issue