tstest/integration/vms: outgoing SSH test (#2349)
This does a few things: 1. Rewrites the tests so that we get a log of what individual tests failed at the end of a test run. 2. Adds a test that runs an HTTP server via the tester tailscale node and then has the VMs connect to that over Tailscale. 3. Dials the VM over Tailscale and ensures it answers SSH requests. 4. Other minor framework refactoring. Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <xe@tailscale.com>pull/2360/head
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
package vms
import (
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ import (
expect "github.com/google/goexpect"
@ -63,6 +65,15 @@ var (
type Harness struct {
testerDialer proxy.Dialer
testerDir string
bins *integration.Binaries
signer ssh.Signer
cs *testcontrol.Server
loginServerURL string
type Distro struct {
name string // amazon-linux
url string // URL to a qcow2 image
@ -634,7 +645,14 @@ func TestVMIntegrationEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
ramsem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(*vmRamLimit))
bins := integration.BuildTestBinaries(t)
makeTestNode(t, bins, loginServer)
h := &Harness{
bins: bins,
signer: signer,
loginServerURL: loginServer,
cs: cs,
h.makeTestNode(t, bins, loginServer)
t.Run("do", func(t *testing.T) {
for n, distro := range distros {
@ -677,13 +695,17 @@ func TestVMIntegrationEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
testDistro(t, loginServer, distro, signer, ipm, bins)
h.testDistro(t, distro, ipm)
func testDistro(t *testing.T, loginServer string, d Distro, signer ssh.Signer, ipm ipMapping, bins *integration.Binaries) {
func (h Harness) testDistro(t *testing.T, d Distro, ipm ipMapping) {
signer := h.signer
bins := h.bins
loginServer := h.loginServerURL
port := ipm.port
hostport := fmt.Sprintf("", port)
@ -723,6 +745,119 @@ func testDistro(t *testing.T, loginServer string, d Distro, signer ssh.Signer, i
timeout := 30 * time.Second
t.Run("start-tailscale", func(t *testing.T) {
var batch = []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`},
switch d.initSystem {
case "openrc":
// NOTE(Xe): this is a sin, however openrc doesn't really have the concept
// of service readiness. If this sleep is removed then tailscale will not be
// ready once the `tailscale up` command is sent. This is not ideal, but I
// am not really sure there is a good way around this without a delay of
// some kind.
batch = append(batch, &expect.BSnd{S: "rc-service tailscaled start && sleep 2\n"})
case "systemd":
batch = append(batch, &expect.BSnd{S: "systemctl start tailscaled.service\n"})
batch = append(batch, &expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`})
runTestCommands(t, timeout, cli, batch)
t.Run("login", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestCommands(t, timeout, cli, []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BSnd{S: fmt.Sprintf("tailscale up --login-server=%s\n", loginServer)},
&expect.BExp{R: `Success.`},
t.Run("tailscale status", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestCommands(t, timeout, cli, []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BSnd{S: "sleep 5 && tailscale status\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: ``},
&expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`},
t.Run("ping-ipv4", func(t *testing.T) {
runTestCommands(t, timeout, cli, []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BSnd{S: "tailscale ping -c 1\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: `pong from.*\(\)`},
&expect.BSnd{S: "ping -c 1\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: `bytes`},
t.Run("outgoing-tcp-ipv4", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s := &http.Server{
Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "connection established")
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", net.JoinHostPort("::", "0"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't make HTTP server: %v", err)
_, port, _ := net.SplitHostPort(ln.Addr().String())
go s.Serve(ln)
runTestCommands(t, timeout, cli, []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BSnd{S: fmt.Sprintf("curl http://%s:%s\n", "", port)},
&expect.BExp{R: `connection established`},
t.Run("incoming-ssh-ipv4", func(t *testing.T) {
sess, err := cli.NewSession()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't make incoming session: %v", err)
defer sess.Close()
ipBytes, err := sess.Output("tailscale ip -4")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't run `tailscale ip -4`: %v", err)
ip := string(bytes.TrimSpace(ipBytes))
conn, err := h.testerDialer.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(ip, "22"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't dial connection to vm: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
sshConn, chanchan, reqchan, err := ssh.NewClientConn(conn, net.JoinHostPort(ip, "22"), ccfg)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't negotiate connection over tailscale: %v", err)
defer sshConn.Close()
cli := ssh.NewClient(sshConn, chanchan, reqchan)
defer cli.Close()
sess, err = cli.NewSession()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't make SSH session with VM: %v", err)
defer sess.Close()
testIPBytes, err := sess.Output("tailscale ip -4")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't run command on remote VM: %v", err)
if !bytes.Equal(testIPBytes, ipBytes) {
t.Fatalf("wanted reported ip to be %q, got: %q", string(ipBytes), string(testIPBytes))
func runTestCommands(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration, cli *ssh.Client, batch []expect.Batcher) {
e, _, err := expect.SpawnSSH(cli, timeout,
@ -732,42 +867,10 @@ func testDistro(t *testing.T, loginServer string, d Distro, signer ssh.Signer, i
// expect.Tee(nopWriteCloser{logger.FuncWriter(t.Logf)}),
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%d: can't register a shell session: %v", port, err)
t.Fatalf("%s: can't register a shell session: %v", cli.RemoteAddr(), err)
defer e.Close()
t.Log("opened session")
var batch = []expect.Batcher{
&expect.BSnd{S: "PS1='# '\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`},
switch d.initSystem {
case "openrc":
// NOTE(Xe): this is a sin, however openrc doesn't really have the concept
// of service readiness. If this sleep is removed then tailscale will not be
// ready once the `tailscale up` command is sent. This is not ideal, but I
// am not really sure there is a good way around this without a delay of
// some kind.
batch = append(batch, &expect.BSnd{S: "rc-service tailscaled start && sleep 2\n"})
case "systemd":
batch = append(batch, &expect.BSnd{S: "systemctl start tailscaled.service\n"})
batch = append(batch,
&expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`},
&expect.BSnd{S: fmt.Sprintf("tailscale up --login-server=%s\n", loginServer)},
&expect.BExp{R: `Success.`},
&expect.BSnd{S: "sleep 5 && tailscale status\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: ``},
&expect.BExp{R: `(\#)`},
&expect.BSnd{S: "tailscale ping -c 1\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: `pong from.*\(\)`},
&expect.BSnd{S: "ping -c 1\n"},
&expect.BExp{R: `bytes`},
_, err = e.ExpectBatch(batch, timeout)
if err != nil {
sess, terr := cli.NewSession()
@ -896,19 +999,37 @@ func TestDeriveBindhost(t *testing.T) {
func makeTestNode(t *testing.T, bins *integration.Binaries, controlURL string) {
func (h *Harness) Tailscale(t *testing.T, args ...string) {
args = append([]string{"--socket=" + filepath.Join(h.testerDir, "sock")}, args...)
run(t, h.testerDir, h.bins.CLI, args...)
// makeTestNode creates a userspace tailscaled running in netstack mode that
// enables us to make connections to and from the tailscale network being
// tested. This mutates the Harness to allow tests to dial into the tailscale
// network as well as control the tester's tailscaled.
func (h *Harness) makeTestNode(t *testing.T, bins *integration.Binaries, controlURL string) {
dir := t.TempDir()
h.testerDir = dir
port, err := getProbablyFreePortNumber()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't get free port: %v", err)
cmd := exec.Command(
"--state="+filepath.Join(dir, "state.json"),
"--socket="+filepath.Join(dir, "sock"),
fmt.Sprintf("--socks5-server=localhost:%d", port),
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "NOTIFY_SOCKET="+filepath.Join(dir, "notify_socket"))
err := cmd.Start()
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't start tailscaled: %v", err)
@ -944,6 +1065,12 @@ outer:
dialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", net.JoinHostPort("", fmt.Sprint(port)), nil, &net.Dialer{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't make netstack proxy dialer: %v", err)
h.testerDialer = dialer
type nopWriteCloser struct {
Reference in New Issue