safesocket: fix CLI on standalone mac GUI build

Tested three macOS Tailscale daemons:

- App Store (Network Extension)
- Standalone (macsys)
- tailscaled

And two types of local IPC each:


And two CLI modes:

- sandboxed (running the GUI binary as the CLI; normal way)
- open source CLI hitting GUI (with #4525)

Bonus: simplifies the code.

Fixes tailscale/corp#4559

Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
Brad Fitzpatrick 2022-04-25 21:37:03 -07:00 committed by Brad Fitzpatrick
parent 3601b43530
commit 21413392cf
1 changed files with 13 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ import (
// TODO(apenwarr): handle magic cookie auth
@ -114,77 +112,30 @@ func socketPermissionsForOS() os.FileMode {
return 0600
// connectMacOSAppSandbox connects to the Tailscale Network Extension,
// which is necessarily running within the macOS App Sandbox. Our
// little dance to connect a regular user binary to the sandboxed
// network extension is:
// connectMacOSAppSandbox connects to the Tailscale Network Extension (macOS App
// Store build) or App Extension (macsys standalone build), where the CLI itself
// is either running within the macOS App Sandbox or built separately (e.g.
// homebrew or go install). This little dance to connect a regular user binary
// to the sandboxed network extension is:
// * the sandboxed IPNExtension picks a random localhost:0 TCP port
// to listen on
// * it also picks a random hex string that acts as an auth token
// * it then creates a file named "sameuserproof-$PORT-$TOKEN" and leaves
// that file descriptor open forever.
// Then, we do different things depending on whether the user is
// running cmd/tailscale that they built themselves (running as
// themselves, outside the App Sandbox), or whether the user is
// running the CLI via the GUI binary
// (e.g. /Applications/ <args>),
// in which case we're running within the App Sandbox.
// If we're outside the App Sandbox:
// * then we come along here, running as the same UID, but outside
// of the sandbox, and look for it. We can run lsof on our own processes,
// but other users on the system can't.
// * we parse out the localhost port number and the auth token
// * we connect to TCP localhost:$PORT
// * we send $TOKEN + "\n"
// * server verifies $TOKEN, sends "#IPN\n" if okay.
// * server is now protocol switched
// * we return the net.Conn and the caller speaks the normal protocol
// If we're inside the App Sandbox, then TS_MACOS_CLI_SHARED_DIR has
// been set to our shared directory. We now have to find the most
// recent "sameuserproof" file (there should only be 1, but previous
// versions of the macOS app didn't clean them up).
// * the CLI looks on disk for that TCP port + auth token (see localTCPPortAndTokenDarwin)
// * we send it upon TCP connect to prove to the Tailscale daemon that
// we're a suitably privileged user to have access the files on disk
// which the Network/App Extension wrote.
func connectMacOSAppSandbox() (net.Conn, error) {
// Are we running the GUI binary as a CLI, running within the App Sandbox?
if d := os.Getenv("TS_MACOS_CLI_SHARED_DIR"); d != "" {
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading TS_MACOS_CLI_SHARED_DIR: %w", err)
var best os.FileInfo
for _, fi := range fis {
if !strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), "sameuserproof-") || strings.Count(fi.Name(), "-") != 2 {
if best == nil || fi.ModTime().After(best.ModTime()) {
best = fi
if best == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no sameuserproof token found in TS_MACOS_CLI_SHARED_DIR %q", d)
f := strings.SplitN(best.Name(), "-", 3)
portStr, token := f[1], f[2]
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid port %q", portStr)
return connectMacTCP(port, token)
// Otherwise, assume we're running the cmd/tailscale binary from outside the
// App Sandbox.
port, token, err := LocalTCPPortAndToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find local Tailscale daemon: %w", err)
return connectMacTCP(port, token)
// connectMacTCP creates an authenticated net.Conn to the local macOS Tailscale
// daemon for used by the "IPN" JSON message bus protocol (Tailscale's original
// local non-HTTP IPC protocol).
func connectMacTCP(port int, token string) (net.Conn, error) {
c, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:"+strconv.Itoa(port))
if err != nil {