Revert "ipn,types/persist: store disallowed TKA's in prefs, lock local-disable"
This reverts commit f1130421f0
It was submitted with failing tests (go generate checks)
Requires a lot of API changes to fix so rolling back instead of
Change-Id: I024e8885c0ed44675d3028a662f386dda811f2ad
Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
@ -853,21 +853,6 @@ func (lc *LocalClient) NetworkLockLog(ctx context.Context, maxEntries int) ([]ip
return decodeJSON[[]ipnstate.NetworkLockUpdate](body)
// NetworkLockForceLocalDisable forcibly shuts down network lock on this node.
func (lc *LocalClient) NetworkLockForceLocalDisable(ctx context.Context) error {
// This endpoint expects an empty JSON stanza as the payload.
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := json.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(struct{}{}); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := lc.send(ctx, "POST", "/localapi/v0/tka/force-local-disable", 200, &b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: %w", err)
return nil
// SetServeConfig sets or replaces the serving settings.
// If config is nil, settings are cleared and serving is disabled.
func (lc *LocalClient) SetServeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *ipn.ServeConfig) error {
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ var netlockCmd = &ffcli.Command{
Exec: runNetworkLockStatus,
@ -349,17 +348,6 @@ func runNetworkLockDisable(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
return localClient.NetworkLockDisable(ctx, secrets[0])
var nlLocalDisableCmd = &ffcli.Command{
Name: "local-disable",
ShortUsage: "local-disable",
ShortHelp: "Disables the currently-active tailnet lock for this node",
Exec: runNetworkLockLocalDisable,
func runNetworkLockLocalDisable(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
return localClient.NetworkLockForceLocalDisable(ctx)
var nlDisablementKDFCmd = &ffcli.Command{
Name: "disablement-kdf",
ShortUsage: "disablement-kdf <hex-encoded-disablement-secret>",
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import (
@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ func (b *LocalBackend) tkaSyncIfNeeded(nm *netmap.NetworkMap, prefs ipn.PrefsVie
if wantEnabled && !isEnabled {
if err := b.tkaBootstrapFromGenesisLocked(bs.GenesisAUM, prefs.Persist()); err != nil {
if err := b.tkaBootstrapFromGenesisLocked(bs.GenesisAUM); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bootstrap: %w", err)
isEnabled = true
@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ func (b *LocalBackend) chonkPathLocked() string {
// tailnet key authority, based on the given genesis AUM.
// must be held.
func (b *LocalBackend) tkaBootstrapFromGenesisLocked(g tkatype.MarshaledAUM, persist *persist.Persist) error {
func (b *LocalBackend) tkaBootstrapFromGenesisLocked(g tkatype.MarshaledAUM) error {
if err := b.CanSupportNetworkLock(); err != nil {
return err
@ -289,19 +288,6 @@ func (b *LocalBackend) tkaBootstrapFromGenesisLocked(g tkatype.MarshaledAUM, per
return fmt.Errorf("reading genesis: %v", err)
if persist != nil && len(persist.DisallowedTKAStateIDs) > 0 {
if genesis.State == nil {
return errors.New("invalid genesis: missing State")
bootstrapStateID := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", genesis.State.StateID1, genesis.State.StateID2)
for _, stateID := range persist.DisallowedTKAStateIDs {
if stateID == bootstrapStateID {
return fmt.Errorf("TKA with stateID of %q is disallowed on this node", stateID)
chonkDir := b.chonkPathLocked()
if err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Dir(chonkDir), 0755); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("creating chonk root dir: %v", err)
@ -509,31 +495,6 @@ func (b *LocalBackend) NetworkLockKeyTrustedForTest(keyID tkatype.KeyID) bool {
return b.tka.authority.KeyTrusted(keyID)
// NetworkLockForceLocalDisable shuts down TKA locally, and denylists the current
// TKA from being initialized locally in future.
func (b *LocalBackend) NetworkLockForceLocalDisable() error {
if b.tka == nil {
return errNetworkLockNotActive
id1, id2 := b.tka.authority.StateIDs()
stateID := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", id1, id2)
newPrefs := // .Persist should always be initialized here.
newPrefs.Persist.DisallowedTKAStateIDs = append(newPrefs.Persist.DisallowedTKAStateIDs, stateID)
if err :=; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("saving prefs: %w", err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(b.chonkPathLocked()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("deleting TKA state: %w", err)
b.tka = nil
return nil
// NetworkLockSign signs the given node-key and submits it to the control plane.
// rotationPublic, if specified, must be an ed25519 public key.
func (b *LocalBackend) NetworkLockSign(nodeKey key.NodePublic, rotationPublic []byte) error {
@ -778,103 +778,3 @@ func TestTKASign(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("NetworkLockSign() failed: %v", err)
func TestTKAForceDisable(t *testing.T) {
envknob.Setenv("TAILSCALE_USE_WIP_CODE", "1")
defer envknob.Setenv("TAILSCALE_USE_WIP_CODE", "")
nodePriv := key.NewNode()
// Make a fake TKA authority, to seed local state.
disablementSecret := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xa5}, 32)
nlPriv := key.NewNLPrivate()
key := tka.Key{Kind: tka.Key25519, Public: nlPriv.Public().Verifier(), Votes: 2}
pm := must.Get(newProfileManager(new(mem.Store), t.Logf, ""))
Persist: &persist.Persist{
PrivateNodeKey: nodePriv,
NetworkLockKey: nlPriv,
temp := t.TempDir()
tkaPath := filepath.Join(temp, "tka-profile", string(pm.CurrentProfile().ID))
os.Mkdir(tkaPath, 0755)
chonk, err := tka.ChonkDir(tkaPath)
if err != nil {
authority, genesis, err := tka.Create(chonk, tka.State{
Keys: []tka.Key{key},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{tka.DisablementKDF(disablementSecret)},
}, nlPriv)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("tka.Create() failed: %v", err)
ts, client := fakeNoiseServer(t, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close()
switch r.URL.Path {
case "/machine/tka/bootstrap":
body := new(tailcfg.TKABootstrapRequest)
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(body); err != nil {
if body.Version != tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion {
t.Errorf("bootstrap CapVer = %v, want %v", body.Version, tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion)
if body.NodeKey != nodePriv.Public() {
t.Errorf("nodeKey=%v, want %v", body.NodeKey, nodePriv.Public())
out := tailcfg.TKABootstrapResponse{
GenesisAUM: genesis.Serialize(),
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(out); err != nil {
t.Errorf("unhandled endpoint path: %v", r.URL.Path)
defer ts.Close()
cc := fakeControlClient(t, client)
b := LocalBackend{
varRoot: temp,
cc: cc,
ccAuto: cc,
logf: t.Logf,
tka: &tkaState{
authority: authority,
storage: chonk,
pm: pm,
store: pm.Store(),
if err := b.NetworkLockForceLocalDisable(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NetworkLockForceLocalDisable() failed: %v", err)
if b.tka != nil {
t.Fatal("tka was not shut down")
if _, err := os.Stat(b.chonkPathLocked()); err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Errorf("os.Stat(chonkDir) = %v, want ErrNotExist", err)
err = b.tkaSyncIfNeeded(&netmap.NetworkMap{
TKAEnabled: true,
TKAHead: authority.Head(),
}, pm.CurrentPrefs())
if err != nil && err.Error() != "bootstrap: TKA with stateID of \"0:0\" is disallowed on this node" {
t.Errorf("tkaSyncIfNeededLocked() failed: %v", err)
if b.tka != nil {
t.Fatal("tka was re-initalized")
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ var handler = map[string]localAPIHandler{
"tka/sign": (*Handler).serveTKASign,
"tka/status": (*Handler).serveTKAStatus,
"tka/disable": (*Handler).serveTKADisable,
"tka/force-local-disable": (*Handler).serveTKALocalDisable,
"upload-client-metrics": (*Handler).serveUploadClientMetrics,
"watch-ipn-bus": (*Handler).serveWatchIPNBus,
"whois": (*Handler).serveWhoIs,
@ -1244,30 +1243,6 @@ func (h *Handler) serveTKADisable(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (h *Handler) serveTKALocalDisable(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !h.PermitWrite {
http.Error(w, "network-lock modify access denied", http.StatusForbidden)
if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
http.Error(w, "use POST", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
// Require a JSON stanza for the body as an additional CSRF protection.
var req struct{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "invalid JSON body", 400)
if err := h.b.NetworkLockForceLocalDisable(); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "network-lock local disable failed: "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
func (h *Handler) serveTKALog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
http.Error(w, "use GET", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
@ -714,8 +714,3 @@ func (a *Authority) Keys() []Key {
return out
// StateIDs returns the stateIDs for this tailnet key authority.
func (a *Authority) StateIDs() (uint64, uint64) {
return a.state.StateID1, a.state.StateID2
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ package persist
import (
@ -40,12 +39,6 @@ type Persist struct {
UserProfile tailcfg.UserProfile
NetworkLockKey key.NLPrivate
NodeID tailcfg.StableNodeID
// DisallowedTKAStateIDs stores the tka.State.StateID values which
// this node will not operate network lock on. This is used to
// prevent bootstrapping TKA onto a key authority which was forcibly
// disabled.
DisallowedTKAStateIDs []string
// PublicNodeKey returns the public key for the node key.
@ -77,8 +70,7 @@ func (p *Persist) Equals(p2 *Persist) bool {
p.LoginName == p2.LoginName &&
p.UserProfile == p2.UserProfile &&
p.NetworkLockKey.Equal(p2.NetworkLockKey) &&
p.NodeID == p2.NodeID &&
reflect.DeepEqual(p.DisallowedTKAStateIDs, p2.DisallowedTKAStateIDs)
p.NodeID == p2.NodeID
func (p *Persist) Pretty() string {
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ func (src *Persist) Clone() *Persist {
dst := new(Persist)
*dst = *src
dst.DisallowedTKAStateIDs = append(src.DisallowedTKAStateIDs[:0:0], src.DisallowedTKAStateIDs...)
return dst
@ -35,5 +34,4 @@ var _PersistCloneNeedsRegeneration = Persist(struct {
UserProfile tailcfg.UserProfile
NetworkLockKey key.NLPrivate
NodeID tailcfg.StableNodeID
DisallowedTKAStateIDs []string
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func fieldsOf(t reflect.Type) (fields []string) {
func TestPersistEqual(t *testing.T) {
persistHandles := []string{"LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey", "PrivateNodeKey", "OldPrivateNodeKey", "Provider", "LoginName", "UserProfile", "NetworkLockKey", "NodeID", "DisallowedTKAStateIDs"}
persistHandles := []string{"LegacyFrontendPrivateMachineKey", "PrivateNodeKey", "OldPrivateNodeKey", "Provider", "LoginName", "UserProfile", "NetworkLockKey", "NodeID"}
if have := fieldsOf(reflect.TypeOf(Persist{})); !reflect.DeepEqual(have, persistHandles) {
t.Errorf("Persist.Equal check might be out of sync\nfields: %q\nhandled: %q\n",
have, persistHandles)
@ -133,11 +133,6 @@ func TestPersistEqual(t *testing.T) {
&Persist{NodeID: "abc"},
&Persist{DisallowedTKAStateIDs: nil},
&Persist{DisallowedTKAStateIDs: []string{"0:0"}},
for i, test := range tests {
if got := test.a.Equals(test.b); got != test.want {
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
//go:generate go run -clonefunc=false -type=Persist
@ -73,9 +72,6 @@ func (v PersistView) LoginName() string { return v.ж.LoginName
func (v PersistView) UserProfile() tailcfg.UserProfile { return v.ж.UserProfile }
func (v PersistView) NetworkLockKey() key.NLPrivate { return v.ж.NetworkLockKey }
func (v PersistView) NodeID() tailcfg.StableNodeID { return v.ж.NodeID }
func (v PersistView) DisallowedTKAStateIDs() views.Slice[string] {
return views.SliceOf(v.ж.DisallowedTKAStateIDs)
// A compilation failure here means this code must be regenerated, with the command at the top of this file.
var _PersistViewNeedsRegeneration = Persist(struct {
@ -88,5 +84,4 @@ var _PersistViewNeedsRegeneration = Persist(struct {
UserProfile tailcfg.UserProfile
NetworkLockKey key.NLPrivate
NodeID tailcfg.StableNodeID
DisallowedTKAStateIDs []string
Reference in New Issue