version, cmd/tailscale: add version.Meta, tailscale version --json

Add `tailscale version --json` JSON output mode. This will be used
later for a double-opt-in (per node consent like Tailscale SSH +
control config) to let admins do remote upgrades via `tailscale
update` via a c2n call, which would then need to verify the
cmd/tailscale found on disk for running tailscale update corresponds
to the running tailscaled, refusing if anything looks amiss.

Plus JSON output modes are just nice to have, rather than parsing
unstable/fragile/obscure text formats.

Updates #6995
Updates #6907

Change-Id: I7821ab7fbea4612f4b9b7bdc1be1ad1095aca71b
Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
Brad Fitzpatrick 2023-01-20 20:34:19 -08:00 committed by Brad Fitzpatrick
parent 5ca22a0068
commit ba5aa2c486
5 changed files with 113 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ package cli
import (
@ -20,6 +23,7 @@ var versionCmd = &ffcli.Command{
FlagSet: (func() *flag.FlagSet {
fs := newFlagSet("version")
fs.BoolVar(&versionArgs.daemon, "daemon", false, "also print local node's daemon version")
fs.BoolVar(&versionArgs.json, "json", false, "output in JSON format")
return fs
Exec: runVersion,
@ -27,23 +31,38 @@ var versionCmd = &ffcli.Command{
var versionArgs struct {
daemon bool // also check local node's daemon version
json bool
func runVersion(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("too many non-flag arguments: %q", args)
if !versionArgs.daemon {
var err error
var st *ipnstate.Status
if versionArgs.daemon {
st, err = localClient.StatusWithoutPeers(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if versionArgs.json {
m := version.GetMeta()
if st != nil {
m.DaemonLong = st.Version
e := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
e.SetIndent("", "\t")
return e.Encode(m)
if st == nil {
return nil
printf("Client: %s\n", version.String())
st, err := localClient.StatusWithoutPeers(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
printf("Daemon: %s\n", st.Version)
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// Copyright (c) 2023 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tailcfg
var ExportKeyMarshalText = keyMarshalText

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tailcfg
package tailcfg_test
import (
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
. ""
@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ func BenchmarkKeyMarshalText(b *testing.B) {
var k [32]byte
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sinkBytes = keyMarshalText("prefix", k)
sinkBytes = ExportKeyMarshalText("prefix", k)
@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ func TestAppendKeyAllocs(t *testing.T) {
var k [32]byte
err := tstest.MinAllocsPerRun(t, 1, func() {
sinkBytes = keyMarshalText("prefix", k)
sinkBytes = ExportKeyMarshalText("prefix", k)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import (
tailscaleroot ""
// IsMobile reports whether this is a mobile client build.
@ -104,3 +106,76 @@ func initUnstable() {
isUnstableBuild = minor%2 == 1
// Meta is a JSON-serializable type that contains all the version
// information.
type Meta struct {
// MajorMinorPatch is the "major.minor.patch" version string, without
// any hyphenated suffix.
MajorMinorPatch string `json:"majorMinorPatch"`
// IsDev is whether Short contains a -dev suffix. This is whether the build
// is a development build (as opposed to an official stable or unstable
// build stamped in the usual ways). If you just run "go install" or "go
// build" on a dev branch, this will be true.
IsDev bool `json:"isDev,omitempty"`
// Short is MajorMinorPatch but optionally adding "-dev" or "-devYYYYMMDD"
// for dev builds, depending on how it was build.
Short string `json:"short"`
// Long is the full version string, including git commit hash(es) as the
// suffix.
Long string `json:"long"`
// UnstableBranch is whether the build is from an unstable (development)
// branch. That is, it reports whether the minor version is odd.
UnstableBranch bool `json:"unstableBranch,omitempty"`
// GitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of the
// repository at which Tailscale was
// built. Its format is the one returned by `git describe --always
// --exclude "*" --dirty --abbrev=200`.
GitCommit string `json:"gitCommit,omitempty"`
// GitDirty is whether Go stamped the binary as having dirty version
// control changes in the working directory (debug.ReadBuildInfo
// setting "vcs.modified" was true).
GitDirty bool `json:"gitDirty,omitempty"`
// ExtraGitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of a "supplemental"
// repository at which Tailscale was built. Its format is the same as
// gitCommit.
// ExtraGitCommit is used to track the source revision when the main
// Tailscale repository is integrated into and built from another
// repository (for example, Tailscale's proprietary code, or the
// Android OSS repository). Together, GitCommit and ExtraGitCommit
// exactly describe what repositories and commits were used in a
// build.
ExtraGitCommit string `json:"extraGitCommit,omitempty"`
// DaemonLong is the version number from the tailscaled
// daemon, if requested.
DaemonLong string `json:"daemonLong,omitempty"`
// Cap is the current Tailscale capability version. It's a monotonically
// incrementing integer that's incremented whenever a new capability is
// added.
Cap int `json:"cap"`
// GetMeta returns version metadata about the current build.
func GetMeta() Meta {
return Meta{
MajorMinorPatch: strings.TrimSpace(tailscaleroot.Version),
Short: Short,
Long: Long,
GitCommit: GitCommit,
GitDirty: GitDirty,
ExtraGitCommit: ExtraGitCommit,
IsDev: strings.Contains(Short, "-dev"), // TODO(bradfitz): could make a bool for this in init
UnstableBranch: IsUnstableBuild(),
Cap: int(tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion),

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func init() {
// --exclude "*" --dirty --abbrev=200`.
var GitCommit = ""
// GitDirty is whether Go stamped the binary has having dirty version
// GitDirty is whether Go stamped the binary as having dirty version
// control changes in the working directory (debug.ReadBuildInfo
// setting "vcs.modified" was true).
var GitDirty bool