wgengine/magicsock: prevent log-after-test in TestTwoDevicePing

Josh Bleecher Snyder 2021-01-19 11:04:17 -08:00
parent edce91a8a6
commit e4c075cd95
1 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -896,7 +896,10 @@ func testTwoDevicePing(t *testing.T, d *devices) {
// This gets reassigned inside every test, so that the connections
// all log using the "current" t.Logf function. Sigh.
logf, setT := makeNestable(t)
nestedLogf, setT := makeNestable(t)
logf, closeLogf := logger.LogfCloser(nestedLogf)
defer closeLogf()
derpMap, cleanup := runDERPAndStun(t, logf, d.stun, d.stunIP)
defer cleanup()