release: open-source release build logic for unix packages

Updates tailscale/corp#9221

Signed-off-by: David Anderson <>
David Anderson 2023-02-24 13:22:21 -08:00 committed by Dave Anderson
parent 44e027abca
commit fc4b25d9fd
12 changed files with 1071 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ cmd/tailscaled/tailscaled
.direnv/ .direnv/
/gocross /gocross

cmd/dist/dist.go vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// The dist command builds Tailscale release packages for distribution.
package main
import (
func main() {
var targets []dist.Target
targets = append(targets, unixpkgs.Targets()...)
sort.Slice(targets, func(i, j int) bool {
return targets[i].String() < targets[j].String()
rootCmd := &ffcli.Command{
Name: "dist",
ShortUsage: "dist [flags] <command> [command flags]",
ShortHelp: "Build tailscale release packages for distribution",
LongHelp: `For help on subcommands, add --help after: "dist list --help".`,
Subcommands: []*ffcli.Command{
Name: "list",
Exec: func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
return runList(ctx, args, targets)
ShortUsage: "dist list [target filters]",
ShortHelp: "List all available release targets.",
LongHelp: strings.TrimSpace(`
If filters are provided, only targets matching at least one filter are listed.
Filters can use glob patterns (* and ?).
Name: "build",
Exec: func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
return runBuild(ctx, args, targets)
ShortUsage: "dist build [target filters]",
ShortHelp: "Build release files",
FlagSet: (func() *flag.FlagSet {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("build", flag.ExitOnError)
fs.StringVar(&buildArgs.manifest, "manifest", "", "manifest file to write")
return fs
LongHelp: strings.TrimSpace(`
If filters are provided, only targets matching at least one filter are built.
Filters can use glob patterns (* and ?).
Exec: func(context.Context, []string) error { return flag.ErrHelp },
if err := rootCmd.ParseAndRun(context.Background(), os.Args[1:]); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, flag.ErrHelp) {
func runList(ctx context.Context, filters []string, targets []dist.Target) error {
tgts, err := dist.FilterTargets(targets, filters)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, tgt := range tgts {
return nil
var buildArgs struct {
manifest string
func runBuild(ctx context.Context, filters []string, targets []dist.Target) error {
tgts, err := dist.FilterTargets(targets, filters)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(tgts) == 0 {
return errors.New("no targets matched (did you mean 'dist build all'?)")
st := time.Now()
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %w", err)
b, err := dist.NewBuild(wd, filepath.Join(wd, "dist"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating build context: %w", err)
defer b.Close()
out, err := b.Build(tgts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("building targets: %w", err)
if buildArgs.manifest != "" {
// Make the built paths relative to the manifest file.
manifest, err := filepath.Abs(buildArgs.manifest)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting absolute path of manifest: %w", err)
fmt.Println(filepath.Join(b.Out, out[0]))
for i := range out {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Dir(manifest), filepath.Join(b.Out, out[i]))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("making path relative: %w", err)
out[i] = rel
if err := os.WriteFile(manifest, []byte(strings.Join(out, "\n")), 0644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing manifest: %w", err)
fmt.Println("Done! Took", time.Since(st))
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
deb-systemd-helper unmask 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
if deb-systemd-helper --quiet was-enabled 'tailscaled.service'; then
deb-systemd-helper enable 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
deb-systemd-helper update-state 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
deb-systemd-invoke restart 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
set -e
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
if [ -x "/usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper" ]; then
if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
deb-systemd-helper mask 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
deb-systemd-helper purge 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
deb-systemd-helper unmask 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true
rm -rf /var/lib/tailscale

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
set -e
if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
deb-systemd-invoke stop 'tailscaled.service' >/dev/null || true

release/dist/dist.go vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
// Package dist is a release artifact builder library.
package dist
import (
// A Target is something that can be build in a Build.
type Target interface {
String() string
Build(build *Build) ([]string, error)
// A Build is a build context for Targets.
type Build struct {
// Repo is a path to the root Go module for the build.
Repo string
// Tmp is a temporary directory that gets deleted when the Builder is closed.
Tmp string
// Out is where build artifacts are written.
Out string
// Go is the path to the Go binary to use for building.
Go string
// Version is the version info of the build.
Version mkversion.VersionInfo
// once is a cache of function invocations that should run once per process
// (for example building a helper docker container)
once once
extraMu sync.Mutex
extra map[any]any
goBuilds Memoize[string]
// When running `dist build all` on a cold Go build cache, the fanout of
// gooses and goarches results in a very large number of compile processes,
// which bogs down the build machine.
// This throttles the number of concurrent `go build` invocations to the
// number of CPU cores, which empirically keeps the builder responsive
// without impacting overall build time.
goBuildLimit chan struct{}
// NewBuild creates a new Build rooted at repo, and writing artifacts to out.
func NewBuild(repo, out string) (*Build, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(out, 0750); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating out dir: %w", err)
tmp, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "dist-*")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("creating tempdir: %w", err)
repo, err = findModRoot(repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("finding module root: %w", err)
goTool, err := findGo(repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("finding go binary: %w", err)
b := &Build{
Repo: repo,
Tmp: tmp,
Out: out,
Go: goTool,
Version: mkversion.Info(),
extra: map[any]any{},
goBuildLimit: make(chan struct{}, runtime.NumCPU()),
return b, nil
// Close ends the build and cleans up temporary files.
func (b *Build) Close() error {
return os.RemoveAll(b.Tmp)
// Build builds all targets concurrently.
func (b *Build) Build(targets []Target) (files []string, err error) {
if len(targets) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no targets specified")
log.Printf("Building %d targets: %v", len(targets), targets)
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
errs = make([]error, len(targets))
buildFiles = make([][]string, len(targets))
for i, t := range targets {
go func(i int, t Target) {
var err error
defer func() {
errs[i] = err
fs, err := t.Build(b)
buildFiles[i] = fs
}(i, t)
for _, fs := range buildFiles {
files = append(files, fs...)
return files, multierr.New(errs...)
// Once runs fn if Once hasn't been called with name before.
func (b *Build) Once(name string, fn func() error) error {
return b.once.Do(name, fn)
// Extra returns a value from the build's extra state, creating it if necessary.
func (b *Build) Extra(key any, constructor func() any) any {
defer b.extraMu.Unlock()
ret, ok := b.extra[key]
if !ok {
ret = constructor()
b.extra[key] = ret
return ret
// GoPkg returns the path on disk of pkg.
// The module of pkg must be imported in b.Repo's go.mod.
func (b *Build) GoPkg(pkg string) (string, error) {
bs, err := exec.Command(b.Go, "list", "-f", "{{.Dir}}", pkg).Output()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("finding package %q: %w", pkg, err)
return strings.TrimSpace(string(bs)), nil
// TmpDir creates and returns a new empty temporary directory.
// The caller does not need to clean up the directory after use, it will get
// deleted by b.Close().
func (b *Build) TmpDir() string {
// Because we're creating all temp dirs in our parent temp dir, the only
// failures that can happen at this point are sequence breaks (e.g. if b.Tmp
// is deleted while stuff is still running). So, panic on error to slightly
// simplify callsites.
ret, err := os.MkdirTemp(b.Tmp, "")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("creating temp dir: %v", err))
return ret
// BuildGoBinary builds the Go binary at path and returns the path to the
// binary. Builds are cached by path and env, so each build only happens once
// per process execution.
func (b *Build) BuildGoBinary(path string, env map[string]string) (string, error) {
err := b.Once("init-go", func() error {
log.Printf("Initializing Go toolchain")
// If the build is using a tool/go, it may need to download a toolchain
// and do other initialization. Running `go version` once takes care of
// all of that and avoids that initialization happening concurrently
// later on in builds.
_, err := exec.Command(b.Go, "version").Output()
return err
if err != nil {
return "", err
buildKey := []any{"go-build", path, env}
return b.goBuilds.Do(buildKey, func() (string, error) {
b.goBuildLimit <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-b.goBuildLimit }()
var envStrs []string
for k, v := range env {
envStrs = append(envStrs, k+"="+v)
log.Printf("Building %s (with env %s)", path, strings.Join(envStrs, " "))
buildDir := b.TmpDir()
cmd := exec.Command(b.Go, "build", "-o", buildDir, path)
cmd.Dir = b.Repo
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
for k, v := range env {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, k+"="+v)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "TS_USE_GOCROSS=1")
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return "", err
out := filepath.Join(buildDir, filepath.Base(path))
if env["GOOS"] == "windows" || env["GOOS"] == "windowsgui" {
out += ".exe"
return out, nil
func findModRoot(path string) (string, error) {
for {
modpath := filepath.Join(path, "go.mod")
if _, err := os.Stat(modpath); err == nil {
return path, nil
} else if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return "", err
path = filepath.Dir(path)
if path == "/" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no go.mod found in %q or any parent directory", path)
func findGo(path string) (string, error) {
toolGo := filepath.Join(path, "tool/go")
if _, err := os.Stat(toolGo); err == nil {
return toolGo, nil
toolGo, err := exec.LookPath("go")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return toolGo, nil
// FilterTargets returns the subset of targets that match any of the filters.
// If filters is empty, returns all targets.
func FilterTargets(targets []Target, filters []string) ([]Target, error) {
var filts []*regexp.Regexp
for _, f := range filters {
if f == "all" {
return targets, nil
filt, err := regexp.Compile(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter %q: %w", f, err)
filts = append(filts, filt)
var ret []Target
for _, t := range targets {
for _, filt := range filts {
if filt.MatchString(t.String()) {
ret = append(ret, t)
return ret, nil

release/dist/memoize.go vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package dist
import (
// MemoizedFn is a function that memoize.Do can call.
type MemoizedFn[T any] func() (T, error)
// Memoize runs MemoizedFns and remembers their results.
type Memoize[O any] struct {
mu sync.Mutex
cond *sync.Cond
outs map[deephash.Sum]O
errs map[deephash.Sum]error
inflight map[deephash.Sum]bool
// Do runs fn and returns its result.
// fn is only run once per unique key. Subsequent Do calls with the same key
// return the memoized result of the first call, even if fn is a different
// function.
func (m *Memoize[O]) Do(key any, fn MemoizedFn[O]) (ret O, err error) {
if m.cond == nil {
m.cond = sync.NewCond(&
m.outs = map[deephash.Sum]O{}
m.errs = map[deephash.Sum]error{}
m.inflight = map[deephash.Sum]bool{}
k := deephash.Hash(&key)
for m.inflight[k] {
if err := m.errs[k]; err != nil {
var ret O
return ret, err
if ret, ok := m.outs[k]; ok {
return ret, nil
m.inflight[k] = true
defer func() {
delete(m.inflight, k)
if err != nil {
m.errs[k] = err
} else {
m.outs[k] = ret
ret, err = fn()
if err != nil {
var ret O
return ret, err
return ret, nil
// once is like memoize, but for functions that don't return non-error values.
type once struct {
m Memoize[any]
// Do runs fn.
// fn is only run once per unique key. Subsequent Do calls with the same key
// return the memoized result of the first call, even if fn is a different
// function.
func (o *once) Do(key any, fn func() error) error {
_, err := o.m.Do(key, func() (any, error) {
return nil, fn()
return err

release/dist/unixpkgs/pkgs.go vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
// Package unixpkgs contains dist Targets for building unix Tailscale packages.
package unixpkgs
import (
type tgzTarget struct {
filenameArch string // arch to use in filename instead of deriving from goenv["GOARCH"]
goenv map[string]string
func (t *tgzTarget) arch() string {
if t.filenameArch != "" {
return t.filenameArch
return t.goenv["GOARCH"]
func (t *tgzTarget) os() string {
return t.goenv["GOOS"]
func (t *tgzTarget) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/tgz", t.os(), t.arch())
func (t *tgzTarget) Build(b *dist.Build) ([]string, error) {
var filename string
if t.goenv["GOOS"] == "linux" {
// Linux used to be the only tgz architecture, so we didn't put the OS
// name in the filename.
filename = fmt.Sprintf("tailscale_%s_%s.tgz", b.Version.Short, t.arch())
} else {
filename = fmt.Sprintf("tailscale_%s_%s_%s.tgz", b.Version.Short, t.os(), t.arch())
ts, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tsd, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Building %s", filename)
out := filepath.Join(b.Out, filename)
f, err := os.Create(out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
gw := gzip.NewWriter(f)
defer gw.Close()
tw := tar.NewWriter(gw)
defer tw.Close()
buildTime := time.Now()
addFile := func(src, dst string, mode int64) error {
f, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
hdr := &tar.Header{
Name: dst,
Size: fi.Size(),
Mode: mode,
ModTime: buildTime,
Uid: 0,
Gid: 0,
Uname: "root",
Gname: "root",
if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = io.Copy(tw, f); err != nil {
return err
return nil
addDir := func(name string) error {
hdr := &tar.Header{
Name: name + "/",
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: buildTime,
Uid: 0,
Gid: 0,
Uname: "root",
Gname: "root",
return tw.WriteHeader(hdr)
dir := strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ".tgz")
if err := addDir(dir); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := addFile(tsd, filepath.Join(dir, "tailscaled"), 0755); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := addFile(ts, filepath.Join(dir, "tailscale"), 0755); err != nil {
return nil, err
if t.os() == "linux" {
dir = filepath.Join(dir, "systemd")
if err := addDir(dir); err != nil {
return nil, err
tailscaledDir, err := b.GoPkg("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := addFile(filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.service"), filepath.Join(dir, "tailscaled.service"), 0644); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := addFile(filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.defaults"), filepath.Join(dir, "tailscaled.defaults"), 0644); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := tw.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := gw.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []string{filename}, nil
type debTarget struct {
goenv map[string]string
func (t *debTarget) os() string {
return t.goenv["GOOS"]
func (t *debTarget) arch() string {
return t.goenv["GOARCH"]
func (t *debTarget) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("linux/%s/deb", t.goenv["GOARCH"])
func (t *debTarget) Build(b *dist.Build) ([]string, error) {
if t.os() != "linux" {
return nil, errors.New("deb only supported on linux")
ts, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tsd, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tailscaledDir, err := b.GoPkg("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoDir, err := b.GoPkg("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arch := debArch(t.arch())
info := nfpm.WithDefaults(&nfpm.Info{
Name: "tailscale",
Arch: arch,
Platform: "linux",
Version: b.Version.Short,
Maintainer: "Tailscale Inc <>",
Description: "The easiest, most secure, cross platform way to use WireGuard + oauth2 + 2FA/SSO",
Homepage: "",
License: "MIT",
Section: "net",
Priority: "extra",
Overridables: nfpm.Overridables{
Files: map[string]string{
ts: "/usr/bin/tailscale",
tsd: "/usr/sbin/tailscaled",
filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.service"): "/lib/systemd/system/tailscaled.service",
ConfigFiles: map[string]string{
filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.defaults"): "/etc/default/tailscaled",
Scripts: nfpm.Scripts{
PostInstall: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/deb/"),
PreRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/deb/"),
PostRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/deb/"),
Depends: []string{"iptables", "iproute2"},
Recommends: []string{"tailscale-archive-keyring (>= 1.35.181)"},
Replaces: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
Conflicts: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
pkg, err := nfpm.Get("deb")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filename := fmt.Sprintf("tailscale_%s_%s.deb", b.Version.Short, arch)
log.Printf("Building %s", filename)
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(b.Out, filename))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
if err := pkg.Package(info, f); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []string{filename}, nil
type rpmTarget struct {
goenv map[string]string
func (t *rpmTarget) os() string {
return t.goenv["GOOS"]
func (t *rpmTarget) arch() string {
return t.goenv["GOARCH"]
func (t *rpmTarget) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("linux/%s/rpm", t.arch())
func (t *rpmTarget) Build(b *dist.Build) ([]string, error) {
if t.os() != "linux" {
return nil, errors.New("rpm only supported on linux")
ts, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tsd, err := b.BuildGoBinary("", t.goenv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tailscaledDir, err := b.GoPkg("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoDir, err := b.GoPkg("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arch := rpmArch(t.arch())
info := nfpm.WithDefaults(&nfpm.Info{
Name: "tailscale",
Arch: arch,
Platform: "linux",
Version: b.Version.Short,
Maintainer: "Tailscale Inc <>",
Description: "The easiest, most secure, cross platform way to use WireGuard + oauth2 + 2FA/SSO",
Homepage: "",
License: "MIT",
Overridables: nfpm.Overridables{
Files: map[string]string{
ts: "/usr/bin/tailscale",
tsd: "/usr/sbin/tailscaled",
filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.service"): "/lib/systemd/system/tailscaled.service",
ConfigFiles: map[string]string{
filepath.Join(tailscaledDir, "tailscaled.defaults"): "/etc/default/tailscaled",
// SELinux policy on e.g. CentOS 8 forbids writing to /var/cache.
// Creating an empty directory at install time resolves this issue.
EmptyFolders: []string{"/var/cache/tailscale"},
Scripts: nfpm.Scripts{
PostInstall: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/rpm/"),
PreRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/rpm/"),
PostRemove: filepath.Join(repoDir, "release/rpm/"),
Depends: []string{"iptables", "iproute"},
Replaces: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
Conflicts: []string{"tailscale-relay"},
RPM: nfpm.RPM{
Group: "Network",
pkg, err := nfpm.Get("rpm")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filename := fmt.Sprintf("tailscale_%s_%s.rpm", b.Version.Short, arch)
log.Printf("Building %s", filename)
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(b.Out, filename))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
if err := pkg.Package(info, f); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []string{filename}, nil
// debArch returns the debian arch name for the given Go arch name.
// nfpm also does this translation internally, but we need to do it outside nfpm
// because we also need the filename to be correct.
func debArch(arch string) string {
switch arch {
case "386":
return "i386"
case "arm":
// TODO: this is supposed to be "armel" for GOARM=5, and "armhf" for
// GOARM=6 and 7. But we have some tech debt to pay off here before we
// can ship more than 1 ARM deb, so for now match redo's behavior of
// shipping armv5 binaries in an armv7 trenchcoat.
return "armhf"
return arch
// rpmArch returns the RPM arch name for the given Go arch name.
// nfpm also does this translation internally, but we need to do it outside nfpm
// because we also need the filename to be correct.
func rpmArch(arch string) string {
switch arch {
case "amd64":
return "x86_64"
case "386":
return "i386"
case "arm":
return "armv7hl"
case "arm64":
return "aarch64"
return arch

release/dist/unixpkgs/targets.go vendored 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package unixpkgs
import (
_ ""
_ ""
func Targets() []dist.Target {
var ret []dist.Target
for goosgoarch := range tarballs {
goos, goarch := splitGoosGoarch(goosgoarch)
ret = append(ret, &tgzTarget{
goenv: map[string]string{
"GOOS": goos,
"GOARCH": goarch,
for goosgoarch := range debs {
goos, goarch := splitGoosGoarch(goosgoarch)
ret = append(ret, &debTarget{
goenv: map[string]string{
"GOOS": goos,
"GOARCH": goarch,
for goosgoarch := range rpms {
goos, goarch := splitGoosGoarch(goosgoarch)
ret = append(ret, &rpmTarget{
goenv: map[string]string{
"GOOS": goos,
"GOARCH": goarch,
// Special case: AMD Geode is 386 with softfloat. Tarballs only since it's
// an ancient architecture.
ret = append(ret, &tgzTarget{
filenameArch: "geode",
goenv: map[string]string{
"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "386",
"GO386": "softfloat",
sort.Slice(ret, func(i, j int) bool {
return ret[i].String() < ret[j].String()
return ret
var (
tarballs = map[string]bool{
"linux/386": true,
"linux/amd64": true,
"linux/arm": true,
"linux/arm64": true,
"linux/mips64": true,
"linux/mips64le": true,
"linux/mips": true,
"linux/mipsle": true,
"linux/riscv64": true,
// TODO: more tarballs we could distribute, but don't currently. Leaving
// out for initial parity with redo.
// "darwin/amd64": true,
// "darwin/arm64": true,
// "freebsd/amd64": true,
// "openbsd/amd64": true,
debs = map[string]bool{
"linux/386": true,
"linux/amd64": true,
"linux/arm": true,
"linux/arm64": true,
"linux/riscv64": true,
// TODO: maybe mipses, we accidentally started building them at some
// point even though they probably don't work right.
// "linux/mips": true,
// "linux/mipsle": true,
// "linux/mips64": true,
// "linux/mips64le": true,
rpms = map[string]bool{
"linux/386": true,
"linux/amd64": true,
"linux/arm": true,
"linux/arm64": true,
"linux/riscv64": true,
// TODO: maybe mipses, we accidentally started building them at some
// point even though they probably don't work right.
// "linux/mips": true,
// "linux/mipsle": true,
// "linux/mips64": true,
// "linux/mips64le": true,
func splitGoosGoarch(s string) (string, string) {
goos, goarch, ok := strings.Cut(s, "/")
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid target %q", s))
return goos, goarch

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# $1 == 1 for initial installation.
# $1 == 2 for upgrades.
if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
# Normally, the tailscale-relay package would request shutdown of
# its service before uninstallation. Unfortunately, the
# tailscale-relay package we distributed doesn't have those
# scriptlets. We definitely want relaynode to be stopped when
# installing tailscaled though, so we blindly try to turn off
# relaynode here.
# However, we also want this package installation to look like an
# upgrade from relaynode! Therefore, if relaynode is currently
# enabled, we want to also enable tailscaled. If relaynode is
# currently running, we also want to start tailscaled.
# If there doesn't seem to be an active or enabled relaynode on
# the system, we follow the RPM convention for package installs,
# which is to not enable or start the service.
if systemctl is-enabled tailscale-relay.service >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if systemctl is-active tailscale-relay.service >/dev/null 2>&1; then
systemctl --no-reload disable tailscale-relay.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
systemctl stop tailscale-relay.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $relaynode_enabled -eq 1 ]; then
systemctl enable tailscaled.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
systemctl preset tailscaled.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $relaynode_running -eq 1 ]; then
systemctl start tailscaled.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# $1 == 0 for uninstallation.
# $1 == 1 for removing old package during upgrade.
systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
# Package upgrade, not uninstall
systemctl try-restart tailscaled.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# $1 == 0 for uninstallation.
# $1 == 1 for removing old package during upgrade.
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
# Package removal, not upgrade
systemctl --no-reload disable tailscaled.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
systemctl stop tailscaled.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :