tka: implement compaction logic
Signed-off-by: Tom DNetto <>pull/7418/head
@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ package tka
import (
@ -53,6 +55,24 @@ type Chonk interface {
LastActiveAncestor() (*AUMHash, error)
// CompactableChonk implementation are extensions of Chonk, which are
// able to be operated by compaction logic to deleted old AUMs.
type CompactableChonk interface {
// AllAUMs returns all AUMs stored in the chonk.
AllAUMs() ([]AUMHash, error)
// CommitTime returns the time at which the AUM was committed.
// If the AUM does not exist, then os.ErrNotExist is returned.
CommitTime(hash AUMHash) (time.Time, error)
// PurgeAUMs permanently and irrevocably deletes the specified
// AUMs from storage.
PurgeAUMs(hashes []AUMHash) error
// Mem implements in-memory storage of TKA state, suitable for
// tests.
@ -437,3 +457,302 @@ func (c *FS) commit(h AUMHash, updater func(*fsHashInfo)) error {
return atomicfile.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, base), buff.Bytes(), 0644)
// CompactionOptions describes tuneables to use when compacting a Chonk.
type CompactionOptions struct {
// The minimum number of ancestor AUMs to remember. The actual length
// of the chain post-compaction may be longer to reach a Checkpoint AUM.
MinChain int
// The minimum duration to store an AUM before it is a candidate for deletion.
MinAge time.Duration
// retainState tracks the state of an AUM hash as it is being considered for
// deletion.
type retainState uint8
// Valid retainState flags.
const (
retainStateActive retainState = 1 << iota // The AUM is part of the active chain and less than MinChain hops from HEAD.
retainStateYoung // The AUM is younger than MinAge.
retainStateLeaf // The AUM is a descendant of an AUM to be retained.
retainStateAncestor // The AUM is part of a chain between a retained AUM and the new lastActiveAncestor.
retainStateCandidate // The AUM is part of the active chain.
// retainAUMMask is a bit mask of any bit which should prevent
// the deletion of an AUM.
retainAUMMask retainState = retainStateActive | retainStateYoung | retainStateLeaf | retainStateAncestor
// markActiveChain marks AUMs in the active chain.
// All AUMs that are within minChain ancestors of head are
// marked retainStateActive, and all remaining ancestors are
// marked retainStateCandidate.
// markActiveChain returns the next ancestor AUM which is a checkpoint AUM.
func markActiveChain(storage Chonk, verdict map[AUMHash]retainState, minChain int, head AUMHash) (lastActiveAncestor AUMHash, err error) {
next, err := storage.AUM(head)
if err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, err
for i := 0; i < minChain; i++ {
h := next.Hash()
verdict[h] |= retainStateActive
parent, hasParent := next.Parent()
if !hasParent {
// Genesis AUM (beginning of time). The chain isnt long enough to need truncating.
return h, nil
if next, err = storage.AUM(parent); err != nil {
if err == os.ErrNotExist {
// We've reached the end of the chain we have stored.
return h, nil
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("reading active chain (retainStateActive) (%d): %w", i, err)
// If we got this far, we have at least minChain AUMs stored, and minChain number
// of ancestors have been marked for retention. We now continue to iterate backwards
// till we find an AUM which we can compact to (a Checkpoint AUM).
for {
h := next.Hash()
verdict[h] |= retainStateActive
if next.MessageKind == AUMCheckpoint {
lastActiveAncestor = h
parent, hasParent := next.Parent()
if !hasParent {
return AUMHash{}, errors.New("reached genesis AUM without finding an appropriate lastActiveAncestor")
if next, err = storage.AUM(parent); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("searching for compaction target: %w", err)
// Mark remaining known ancestors as retainStateCandidate.
for {
parent, hasParent := next.Parent()
if !hasParent {
verdict[parent] |= retainStateCandidate
if next, err = storage.AUM(parent); err != nil {
if err == os.ErrNotExist {
// We've reached the end of the chain we have stored.
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("reading active chain (retainStateCandidate): %w", err)
return lastActiveAncestor, nil
// markYoungAUMs marks all AUMs younger than minAge for retention. All
// candidate AUMs must exist in verdict.
func markYoungAUMs(storage CompactableChonk, verdict map[AUMHash]retainState, minAge time.Duration) error {
minTime := time.Now().Add(-minAge)
for h, _ := range verdict {
commitTime, err := storage.CommitTime(h)
if err != nil {
return err
if commitTime.After(minTime) {
verdict[h] |= retainStateYoung
return nil
// markAncestorIntersectionAUMs walks backwards from all AUMs to be retained,
// ensuring they intersect with candidateAncestor. All AUMs between a retained
// AUM and candidateAncestor are marked for retention.
// If there is no intersection between candidateAncestor and the ancestors of
// a retained AUM (this can happen if a retained AUM intersects the main chain
// before candidateAncestor) then candidate ancestor is recomputed based on
// the new oldest intersection.
// The final value for lastActiveAncestor is returned.
func markAncestorIntersectionAUMs(storage Chonk, verdict map[AUMHash]retainState, candidateAncestor AUMHash) (lastActiveAncestor AUMHash, err error) {
toScan := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(verdict))
for h, v := range verdict {
if (v & retainAUMMask) == 0 {
continue // not marked for retention, so dont need to consider it
if h == candidateAncestor {
toScan = append(toScan, h)
var didAdjustCandidateAncestor bool
for len(toScan) > 0 {
nextIterScan := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(verdict))
for _, h := range toScan {
if verdict[h]&retainStateAncestor != 0 {
// This AUM and its ancestors have already been iterated.
verdict[h] |= retainStateAncestor
a, err := storage.AUM(h)
if err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("reading %v: %w", h, err)
parent, hasParent := a.Parent()
if !hasParent {
return AUMHash{}, errors.New("reached genesis AUM without intersecting with candidate ancestor")
if verdict[parent]&retainAUMMask != 0 {
// Includes candidateAncestor (has retainStateActive set)
if verdict[parent]&retainStateCandidate != 0 {
// We've intersected with the active chain but haven't done so through
// candidateAncestor. That means that we intersect the active chain
// before candidateAncestor, hence candidateAncestor actually needs
// to be earlier than it is now.
candidateAncestor = parent
didAdjustCandidateAncestor = true
verdict[parent] |= retainStateAncestor
// There could be AUMs on the active chain between our new candidateAncestor
// and the old one, make sure they are marked as retained.
next := parent
for {
children, err := storage.ChildAUMs(next)
if err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("reading children %v: %w", next, err)
// While there can be many children of an AUM, there can only be
// one child on the active chain (it will have retainStateCandidate set).
for _, a := range children {
h := a.Hash()
if v := verdict[h]; v&retainStateCandidate != 0 && v&retainStateActive == 0 {
verdict[h] |= retainStateAncestor
next = h
continue childLoop
nextIterScan = append(nextIterScan, parent)
toScan = nextIterScan
// If candidateAncestor was adjusted backwards, then it may not be a checkpoint
// (and hence a valid compaction candidate). If so, iterate backwards and adjust
// the candidateAncestor till we find a checkpoint.
if didAdjustCandidateAncestor {
var next AUM
if next, err = storage.AUM(candidateAncestor); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("searching for compaction target: %w", err)
for {
h := next.Hash()
verdict[h] |= retainStateActive
if next.MessageKind == AUMCheckpoint {
candidateAncestor = h
parent, hasParent := next.Parent()
if !hasParent {
return AUMHash{}, errors.New("reached genesis AUM without finding an appropriate candidateAncestor")
if next, err = storage.AUM(parent); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("searching for compaction target: %w", err)
return candidateAncestor, nil
// markDescendantAUMs marks all children of a retained AUM as retained.
func markDescendantAUMs(storage Chonk, verdict map[AUMHash]retainState) error {
toScan := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(verdict))
for h, v := range verdict {
if v&retainAUMMask == 0 {
continue // not marked, so dont need to mark descendants
toScan = append(toScan, h)
for len(toScan) > 0 {
nextIterScan := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(verdict))
for _, h := range toScan {
if verdict[h]&retainStateLeaf != 0 {
// This AUM and its decendants have already been marked.
verdict[h] |= retainStateLeaf
children, err := storage.ChildAUMs(h)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, a := range children {
nextIterScan = append(nextIterScan, a.Hash())
toScan = nextIterScan
return nil
// Compact deletes old AUMs from storage, based on the parameters given in opts.
func Compact(storage CompactableChonk, head AUMHash, opts CompactionOptions) (lastActiveAncestor AUMHash, err error) {
if opts.MinChain == 0 {
return AUMHash{}, errors.New("opts.MinChain must be set")
if opts.MinAge == 0 {
return AUMHash{}, errors.New("opts.MinAge must be set")
all, err := storage.AllAUMs()
if err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("AllAUMs: %w", err)
verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(all))
for _, h := range all {
verdict[h] = 0
if lastActiveAncestor, err = markActiveChain(storage, verdict, opts.MinChain, head); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("marking active chain: %w", err)
if err := markYoungAUMs(storage, verdict, opts.MinAge); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("marking young AUMs: %w", err)
if err := markDescendantAUMs(storage, verdict); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("marking decendant AUMs: %w", err)
if lastActiveAncestor, err = markAncestorIntersectionAUMs(storage, verdict, lastActiveAncestor); err != nil {
return AUMHash{}, fmt.Errorf("marking ancestor intersection: %w", err)
toDelete := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(verdict))
for h, v := range verdict {
if v&retainAUMMask == 0 { // no retention set
toDelete = append(toDelete, h)
return lastActiveAncestor, storage.PurgeAUMs(toDelete)
@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
package tka
import (
@ -171,3 +174,431 @@ func TestTailchonkFS_Commit(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("stat of AUM parent failed: %v", err)
func TestMarkActiveChain(t *testing.T) {
type aumTemplate struct {
tcs := []struct {
name string
minChain int
chain []aumTemplate
expectLastActiveIdx int // expected lastActiveAncestor, corresponds to an index on chain.
name: "genesis",
minChain: 2,
chain: []aumTemplate{
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
expectLastActiveIdx: 0,
name: "simple truncate",
minChain: 2,
chain: []aumTemplate{
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
expectLastActiveIdx: 1,
name: "long truncate",
minChain: 5,
chain: []aumTemplate{
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
expectLastActiveIdx: 2,
name: "truncate finding checkpoint",
minChain: 2,
chain: []aumTemplate{
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &Key{}}}, // Should keep searching upwards for a checkpoint
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
{AUM: AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{}}},
expectLastActiveIdx: 1,
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(tc.chain))
// Build the state of the tailchonk for tests.
storage := &Mem{}
var prev AUMHash
for i := range tc.chain {
if !prev.IsZero() {
tc.chain[i].AUM.PrevAUMHash = make([]byte, len(prev[:]))
copy(tc.chain[i].AUM.PrevAUMHash, prev[:])
if err := storage.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{tc.chain[i].AUM}); err != nil {
h := tc.chain[i].AUM.Hash()
prev = h
verdict[h] = 0
got, err := markActiveChain(storage, verdict, tc.minChain, prev)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict)
t.Fatalf("markActiveChain() failed: %v", err)
want := tc.chain[tc.expectLastActiveIdx].AUM.Hash()
if got != want {
t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict)
t.Errorf("lastActiveAncestor = %v, want %v", got, want)
// Make sure the verdict array was marked correctly.
for i := range tc.chain {
h := tc.chain[i].AUM.Hash()
if i >= tc.expectLastActiveIdx {
if (verdict[h] & retainStateActive) == 0 {
t.Errorf("verdict[%v] = %v, want %v set", h, verdict[h], retainStateActive)
} else {
if (verdict[h] & retainStateCandidate) == 0 {
t.Errorf("verdict[%v] = %v, want %v set", h, verdict[h], retainStateCandidate)
func TestMarkDescendantAUMs(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestchain(t, `
genesis -> B -> C -> C2
| -> D
| -> E -> F -> G -> H
| -> E2
// tweak seeds so hashes arent identical
C.hashSeed = 1
D.hashSeed = 2
E.hashSeed = 3
E2.hashSeed = 4
verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(c.AUMs))
for _, a := range c.AUMs {
verdict[a.Hash()] = 0
// Mark E & C.
verdict[c.AUMHashes["C"]] = retainStateActive
verdict[c.AUMHashes["E"]] = retainStateActive
if err := markDescendantAUMs(c.Chonk(), verdict); err != nil {
t.Errorf("markDescendantAUMs() failed: %v", err)
// Make sure the descendants got marked.
hs := c.AUMHashes
for _, h := range []AUMHash{hs["C2"], hs["F"], hs["G"], hs["H"], hs["E2"]} {
if (verdict[h] & retainStateLeaf) == 0 {
t.Errorf("%v was not marked as a descendant", h)
for _, h := range []AUMHash{hs["genesis"], hs["B"], hs["D"]} {
if (verdict[h] & retainStateLeaf) != 0 {
t.Errorf("%v was marked as a descendant and shouldnt be", h)
func TestMarkAncestorIntersectionAUMs(t *testing.T) {
fakeState := &State{
Keys: []Key{{Kind: Key25519, Votes: 1}},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32)},
tcs := []struct {
name string
chain *testChain
verdicts map[string]retainState
initialAncestor string
wantAncestor string
wantRetained []string
wantDeleted []string
name: "genesis",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
A.template = checkpoint`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "A",
wantAncestor: "A",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateActive,
wantRetained: []string{"A"},
name: "no adjustment",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
DEAD -> A -> B -> C
A.template = checkpoint
B.template = checkpoint`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "A",
wantAncestor: "A",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateActive,
"B": retainStateActive,
"C": retainStateActive,
"DEAD": retainStateCandidate,
wantRetained: []string{"A", "B", "C"},
wantDeleted: []string{"DEAD"},
name: "fork",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
A -> B -> C -> D
| -> FORK
A.template = checkpoint
C.template = checkpoint
D.template = checkpoint
FORK.hashSeed = 2`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "D",
wantAncestor: "C",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateCandidate,
"B": retainStateCandidate,
"C": retainStateCandidate,
"D": retainStateActive,
"FORK": retainStateYoung,
wantRetained: []string{"C", "D", "FORK"},
wantDeleted: []string{"A", "B"},
name: "fork finding earlier checkpoint",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F
| -> FORK
A.template = checkpoint
B.template = checkpoint
E.template = checkpoint
FORK.hashSeed = 2`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "E",
wantAncestor: "B",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateCandidate,
"B": retainStateCandidate,
"C": retainStateCandidate,
"D": retainStateCandidate,
"E": retainStateActive,
"F": retainStateActive,
"FORK": retainStateYoung,
wantRetained: []string{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "FORK"},
wantDeleted: []string{"A"},
name: "fork multi",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
A -> B -> C -> D -> E
A.template = checkpoint
C.template = checkpoint
D.template = checkpoint
E.template = checkpoint
FORK.hashSeed = 2
DEADFORK.hashSeed = 3`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "D",
wantAncestor: "C",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateCandidate,
"B": retainStateCandidate,
"C": retainStateCandidate,
"D": retainStateActive,
"E": retainStateActive,
"FORK": retainStateYoung,
wantRetained: []string{"C", "D", "E", "FORK"},
wantDeleted: []string{"A", "B", "DEADFORK"},
name: "fork multi 2",
chain: newTestchain(t, `
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G
F -> F1
D -> F2
B -> F3
A.template = checkpoint
B.template = checkpoint
D.template = checkpoint
F.template = checkpoint
F1.hashSeed = 2
F2.hashSeed = 3
F3.hashSeed = 4`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState})),
initialAncestor: "F",
wantAncestor: "B",
verdicts: map[string]retainState{
"A": retainStateCandidate,
"B": retainStateCandidate,
"C": retainStateCandidate,
"D": retainStateCandidate,
"E": retainStateCandidate,
"F": retainStateActive,
"G": retainStateActive,
"F1": retainStateYoung,
"F2": retainStateYoung,
"F3": retainStateYoung,
wantRetained: []string{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "F1", "F2", "F3"},
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
verdict := make(map[AUMHash]retainState, len(tc.verdicts))
for name, v := range tc.verdicts {
verdict[tc.chain.AUMHashes[name]] = v
got, err := markAncestorIntersectionAUMs(tc.chain.Chonk(), verdict, tc.chain.AUMHashes[tc.initialAncestor])
if err != nil {
t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict)
t.Fatalf("markAncestorIntersectionAUMs() failed: %v", err)
if want := tc.chain.AUMHashes[tc.wantAncestor]; got != want {
t.Logf("state = %+v", verdict)
t.Errorf("lastActiveAncestor = %v, want %v", got, want)
for _, name := range tc.wantRetained {
h := tc.chain.AUMHashes[name]
if v := verdict[h]; v&retainAUMMask == 0 {
t.Errorf("AUM %q was not retained: verdict = %v", name, v)
for _, name := range tc.wantDeleted {
h := tc.chain.AUMHashes[name]
if v := verdict[h]; v&retainAUMMask != 0 {
t.Errorf("AUM %q was retained: verdict = %v", name, v)
if t.Failed() {
for name, hash := range tc.chain.AUMHashes {
t.Logf("AUM[%q] = %v", name, hash)
type compactingChonkFake struct {
aumAge map[AUMHash]time.Time
t *testing.T
wantDelete []AUMHash
func (c *compactingChonkFake) AllAUMs() ([]AUMHash, error) {
out := make([]AUMHash, 0, len(c.Mem.aums))
for h, _ := range c.Mem.aums {
out = append(out, h)
return out, nil
func (c *compactingChonkFake) CommitTime(hash AUMHash) (time.Time, error) {
return c.aumAge[hash], nil
func (c *compactingChonkFake) PurgeAUMs(hashes []AUMHash) error {
lessHashes := func(a, b AUMHash) bool {
return bytes.Compare(a[:], b[:]) < 0
if diff := cmp.Diff(c.wantDelete, hashes, cmpopts.SortSlices(lessHashes)); diff != "" {
c.t.Errorf("deletion set differs (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
return nil
func TestCompact(t *testing.T) {
fakeState := &State{
Keys: []Key{{Kind: Key25519, Votes: 1}},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 32)},
// A & B are deleted because the new lastActiveAncestor advances beyond them.
// OLD is deleted because it does not match retention criteria, and
// though it is a descendant of the new lastActiveAncestor (C), it is not a
// descendant of a retained AUM.
// G, & H are retained as recent (MinChain=2) ancestors of HEAD.
// E & F are retained because they are between retained AUMs (G+) and
// their newest checkpoint ancestor.
// D is retained because it is the newest checkpoint ancestor from
// MinChain-retained AUMs.
// G2 is retained because it is a descendant of a retained AUM (G).
// F1 is retained because it is new enough by wall-clock time.
// F2 is retained because it is a descendant of a retained AUM (F1).
// C2 is retained because it is between an ancestor checkpoint and
// a retained AUM (F1).
// C is retained because it is the new lastActiveAncestor. It is the
// new lastActiveAncestor because it is the newest common checkpoint
// of all retained AUMs.
c := newTestchain(t, `
A -> B -> C -> C2 -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H
| -> F1 -> F2 | -> G2
| -> OLD
// make {A,B,C,D} compaction candidates
A.template = checkpoint
B.template = checkpoint
C.template = checkpoint
D.template = checkpoint
// tweak seeds of forks so hashes arent identical
F1.hashSeed = 1
OLD.hashSeed = 2
G2.hashSeed = 3
`, optTemplate("checkpoint", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: fakeState}))
storage := &compactingChonkFake{
Mem: (*c.Chonk().(*Mem)),
aumAge: map[AUMHash]time.Time{(c.AUMHashes["F1"]): time.Now()},
t: t,
wantDelete: []AUMHash{c.AUMHashes["A"], c.AUMHashes["B"], c.AUMHashes["OLD"]},
lastActiveAncestor, err := Compact(storage, c.AUMHashes["H"], CompactionOptions{MinChain: 2, MinAge: time.Hour})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Compact() failed: %v", err)
if lastActiveAncestor != c.AUMHashes["C"] {
t.Errorf("last active ancestor = %v, want %v", lastActiveAncestor, c.AUMHashes["C"])
if t.Failed() {
for name, hash := range c.AUMHashes {
t.Logf("AUM[%q] = %v", name, hash)
Reference in New Issue