mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[-] Remove unused rating page
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Route, Router } from "svelte-routing";
import Welcome from "./pages/Welcome.svelte";
import MaimaiRating from "./pages/MaimaiRating.svelte";
import UserHome from "./pages/UserHome.svelte";
import Home from "./pages/Home.svelte";
import Ranking from "./pages/Ranking.svelte";
@ -55,7 +54,6 @@
<Route path="/ranking/:game" component={Ranking} />
<Route path="/u/:username" component={UserHome} />
<Route path="/u/:username/:game" component={UserHome} />
<Route path="/u/:username/:game/rating" component={MaimaiRating} />
<Route path="/settings" component={Settings} />
@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { DATA_HOST } from "../libs/config";
import { getMaimai, getMaimaiAllMusic } from "../libs/maimai";
import type { ParsedRating, Rating } from "../libs/maimaiTypes";
import { getMult, roundFloor } from "../libs/scoring";
import StatusOverlays from "../components/StatusOverlays.svelte";
import useLocalStorage from "../libs/hooks/useLocalStorage.svelte";
export let userId: any
userId = +userId
let error: string | null;
const rounding = useLocalStorage("rounding", true);
if (!userId) console.error("No user ID provided")
getMaimai("GetUserRatingApi", {userId}),
]).then(([rating, music]) => {
data = rating
musicInfo = music
if (!data || !musicInfo) {
console.error("Failed to fetch data")
parsedRatings = {
old: parseRating(data.userRating.ratingList),
new: parseRating(data.userRating.newRatingList)
}).catch((e) => error = e.message)
function parseRating(arr: Rating[]) {
return arr.map(x => {
const music = musicInfo[x.musicId]
if (!music) {
console.error(`Music not found: ${x.musicId}`)
return null
music.note = music.notes[x.level]
const mult = getMult(x.achievement, 'mai2')
return {
music: music,
calc: (mult[1] as number) * music.note.lv,
rank: mult[2]
}).filter(x => x != null) as ParsedRating[]
let parsedRatings: {
old: ParsedRating[],
new: ParsedRating[]
} | null = null
let data: {
userRating: {
rating: number,
ratingList: Rating[],
newRatingList: Rating[]
} | null = null
let musicInfo: any = null
<!-- Display all parsed ratings -->
{#if parsedRatings}
{#each [{title: "Old", data: parsedRatings.old}, {title: "New", data: parsedRatings.new}] as section}
<div class="rating-cards">
{#each section.data as rating}
<div class="level-{rating.level}">
<img class="cover"
src={`${DATA_HOST}/maimai/assetbundle/jacket_s/00${rating.musicId.toString().padStart(6, '0').substring(2)}.png`}
<div class="detail">
<span class="name">{rating.music.name}</span>
<span class="rating">
rounding.value ?
roundFloor(rating.achievement, 'mai2', 1) :
(rating.achievement / 10000).toFixed(4)
<img class="rank" src={`${DATA_HOST}/maimai/sprites/rankimage/UI_GAM_Rank_${rating.rank}.png`} alt="">
<img class="ver"
src={`${DATA_HOST}/maimai/sprites/tab/title/UI_CMN_TabTitle_MaimaiTitle_Ver${rating.music.ver.toString().substring(0, 3)}.png`}
<div class="lv">{rating.music.note.lv}</div>
<StatusOverlays error={error} loading={!parsedRatings} />
<style lang="sass">
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width: 100%
// Fill as many columns as possible
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// Style each card
> div
$border-radius: 20px
width: 200px
height: 200px
border-radius: $border-radius
display: flex
position: relative
// Difficulty border
border: 5px solid var(--lv-color)
object-fit: cover
pointer-events: none
width: 100%
height: 100%
border-radius: calc($border-radius - 3px)
position: absolute
top: -20px
left: -30px
height: 50px
// Information
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padding: 10px
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
border-radius: 0 0 calc($border-radius - 3px) calc($border-radius - 3px)
// Blur
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display: flex
flex-direction: column
text-align: left
> span
// Disable text wrapping, max 2 lines
overflow: hidden
text-overflow: ellipsis
white-space: nowrap
font-size: 1.2em
font-weight: bold
display: flex
height: 1.5em
position: absolute
bottom: 0
right: 0
padding: 5px 10px
background: rgb(var(--lv-color))
// Top left border radius
border-radius: 10px 0
font-size: 1.3em
content: "Lv"
font-size: 0.8em
// Mobile
@media (max-width: 500px)
margin-left: -1rem
margin-right: -1rem
width: calc(100% + 2rem)
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(130px, 1fr))
font-size: 0.8em
> div
width: 150px
height: 150px
height: 45px
left: -20px
Reference in New Issue