
1.6 KiB

CardController : /api/v2/card

Located at:

/card/link : Bind a card to the user. This action will migrate selected data from the card to the user's ghost card.

  • token: String
  • cardId: String
  • migrate: String
  • Returns: Success message

/card/summary : Get a summary of the card, including the user's name, rating, and last login date.

  • cardId: String
  • Returns: Summary of the card

/card/unlink : Unbind a card from the user. No data will be migrated during this action.

  • token: String
  • cardId: String
  • Returns: Success message

UserRegistrar : /api/v2/user

Located at:

/user/confirm-email : Confirm email address with a token sent through email to the user.

  • token: String
  • Returns: Success message

/user/me : Get the information of the current logged-in user.

  • token: String
  • Returns: User information

/user/login : Login with email/username and password. This will also check if the email is verified and send another confirmation

  • email: String
  • password: String
  • turnstile: String
  • Returns: JWT token

/user/register : Register a new user. This will also create a ghost card for the user and send a confirmation email.

  • username: String
  • email: String
  • password: String
  • turnstile: String
  • Returns: Success message

/user/setting : Validate and set a user setting field.

  • token: String
  • key: String
  • value: String
  • Returns: Success message