Welcome to the Archive Site of Chinese Translations, a project under [MtF.wiki][wiki], to *[Transfeminine Science][origin]*. The original articles were written by non-professional but highly dedicated transgender individuals from several countries, for the purpose of providing useful information on *feminizing hormone therapy*, and with causal analysis, detailed discussions and enormous references, all of which have made them highly acceptable and reliable.\
Accordingly, this project aims to bring these valued contents to Chinese readers, as accurately and fluently as possible, for reference.
For better experience and less workload for translation, the Translators would carefully pick up a subset of original articles to translate, and to further enhance the information on MtF.wiki. As such, this site can be considered as a reference or a pilot discussion for the subject of medications on MtF.wiki.\
The original articles can be revised by their Authors *at any time*; also, the Translators may have little spare time or concentration on tracking such changes. Hence, **the interval of full revision** on translations has been determined to about **3 - 12 months**. The Translators would apologize for any inconvinience caused by out-dated contents.
> Another language: Traditional Chinese is also provided. Note that this was converted using an automatic script, and may not comply with language conventions in Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
Also, the Translators would thank contributors from the previous translating project [tfsci-sc/articles][origin-cn]; without their previous fantastic work, this project might have yet be ever established.
For any advice or erratum on this site or translations, or new translation for other articles, please send an e-mail to <tfsci@mtf.wiki>; however, for any discussion on ideas from the articles, please contact to their corresponding Authors instead.\
The design and other supplements of this site are copyrights of MtF.wiki, and are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0][license2] license.